150 000 Downloads and the most popular horror game of 2016!

Wow. You guys have blown us away! Not in a million years would we have excepted to reach over 150 000 users here on steam when we launched this teaser version of our game back in february. All we wanted to do was share a small part of our vision with you guys, and look where we ended up. Words are not enough to describe how grateful we are for making this the most popular game on steam that has launched in 2016. But our story does not end here! [h1] What the future holds [/h1] As we have said before Medusa is not something that we want to let go of just yet. It's our baby in a way, and we want to see it grow up and become successfull. At this moment we are still in negotiations with a number of publishers, and thanks to you guys we have some great data to show them. If 150 000 people were willing to give this short version a chance then there is a strong indication that a larger game will attract a significant number of people, even when it comes with a pricetag. These negotiations take time, so just as we have to be patient with them we ask you to have some with us. I promise you we are doing our best to bring you the scariest freaking game we possible can. We are still looking to collect more feedback on this version of Medusa so please help us reach even more people if you can! All the best, Daniel and the Guru Games devteam