Second game with horned creature out now on Early Access

TLDR: We love you, new game[url=] Blamdown: Udder Fury [/url] out now on early acces! Hey people! First off all, all of us at Guru Games who worked long hours on Medusa want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your engagment with our game has made us feel truly special, and boosted morale on those long nights of crunching away at the game, wondering if we are going to be able to afford rent next month. The reason Medusa is such a short game is simply that we could not afford to make something bigger without funding, no matter how much we wanted to. So, thanks to so many of you picking it up, we have made the rounds to a number of publishers, from big ones like Namco Bandai to smaller ones like Devolver asking for someone to help us make this dream of ours come true. Sadly those negotiations have taken up a lot of time, and while that goes on we've toild away on a much smaller game, a very different game that we launched two days ago on Steam Early Access. [img][/img] We know that it's nothing like Medusa, so if you want a horror experience I would not recommend it. We created it to be something funny and casual, a break from all the serious, slow and pondering things we usually make. Now, our plan is still to continue with our beloved Greek setting again in the fall, but for now it's all about cows and chaos. It would mean the world to us if you would give Blamdown a chance, and give us your feedback on it, just like you've done with Medusa. The best way for us to improve as developers is to learn what you want us to make. You can get [url=] Blamdown: Udder Fury here. [/url] Sorry for the long post, Hope you have an awesome day! /The Guru Games Development team