Visual Update 1/2! Update #8

[img][/img] [h1]New Forest Art[/h1] The incredible Artist Karen Xu has completed the first of 3 backgrounds for Into the Dungeon. You will surely notice a change in scenery when you enter the Forest now. The Desert and Dungeon Visual Updates are coming soon... [h2]Tutorial[/h2] In the Main Menu there is now a "How to Play" button that will take you to a board game like instruction manual on how to play the game. Here you will be coached by the wizard frog Sir Wizzington the Third himself. It's always helpful to know how to play a game before you try and beat it! [h2]Changes[/h2] No major changes this week, but a few worth mentioning. [list] [*] The giant in the forest deals less damage in singleplayer so you won't get walloped for a third of your hp if you unluckily draw no block cards on his attack. [*] The character select screen now offers more information into the play style of each of the classes. Gone are the role tags [i]Tank, Damage, Support[/i]. These tags, I believe, were leading people to falsely believe that some classes weren't suited to solo play. All of the classes are extremely capable of making it to the end and defeat the final boss! [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] Due to the excitement of putting the new art in I haven't fixed many bugs this week. However I did get at least one fixed. [list] [*] You should now be able to unlock achievements for completing the final boss, and for doing so on each of the classes! Go get that 100%! [/list]