[h1]Update 6 Patch Notes[/h1]
We've tuned the dungeon level to be easier in single player.
[h2]New Stuff[/h2]
[*] New art in the scene before entering a map.
[*] Nerfed elite battles in the dungeon for solo players.
[*] Nerfed desert boss in singleplayer.
[*] Mobs now take their turn faster.
[*] Added attack animations for fire Wizard and some Viking and Bard cards.
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[*] The game no longer runs while minimized which may prevent crashes that some were experiencing while alt-tabbing when entering a level.
[*] When viewing your deck, the order of cards is now randomized, before you were able to scry for free!
[*] [b]Sacred Oathsworn[/b] now adds cards to exhaust pile as intended.
Thanks for reading!
Lead Developer
FROG Game Studios