Update 7: January Bug Fixes & Achievements

Into the Dungeon

Into the Dungeon is a Co-op Roguelike Deck builder - Fight enemies by collecting class-specific cards and use them in combat to defeat your foes. Band together with 4 player co-op and unleash synergies between classes. Discover special artifacts and plot your course through an ever changing map!

[h1]Update 7 Patch Notes[/h1] I've added achievements and after some play testing I've decided to change the map length to 8 nodes instead of 10. This should help with the pace and difficulty of the game, leading to games finishing closer to the 1 hour mark instead of 1 1/2 hours. [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Maps now only have 8 nodes instead of 10. [*] Made some of the mobs in the desert and dungeon easier in single player. [*] There are Achievements in the game now! They should be unlockable but I haven't had a way to test them prior to launching them to Steam. Let me know in the Discord if they aren't getting unlocked. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed the waterfall so it appears behind players [*] Fixed some typos on cards and tooltips [/list] Thanks for reading! Jamie FROG Game Studios