Version 2.07 is available now!

Warstone TD

Warstone is a Tower Defense game, with RPG, Strategy, and even city building elements. Detailed Hi-res graphics and beautiful illustrations combine with a deep storyline to draw you into the world.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26976525/27d267cea647ecd1cd6e40c0f1cff86486a42087.jpg[/img] Hello there, We added last language in this update. The Korean translation was made by [url=]Jaeik[/url] and [url=]Nyanco Chanel[/url]. Jaeik translated the original game and improved the text several times, so it should be great. Also, our fan [url=]Grzegorz[/url] corrected the whole Polish translation. He made more than 400 changes in the text. We have added names of these men to game credits. Thanks for helping us! This update doesn't bring something really new, but we made a lot of fixes in game balance. Check the lists below. Also we lowered the difficulty of the Final mission of Chapter 1. Several players complained of a sudden increase of difficulty compared to the previous missions. [h3]Units Changes[/h3] We have gathered a lot of information about towers and their usability. Most of users prefers one towers to another. So, we decided to make unpopular towers more useful. [list] [*]Scorch Elemental and Plasma Elemental attack speed was changed from 3.75 to 2.25 seconds. Gold price was reduced by 25 and 40. Base damage was incresed by 2-3 and 5. [*]Attack speed of Monks and Mystics was reduced by 0.05 seconds. [*]Damage of Knights was increased by 3-9. Gold price was increased by 5. [*]Damage of Knight Templars was increased by 25. Gold price was increased by 10. [*]Damage of Witchers was increased by 1. [*]Damage of Inquisitors was increased by 4. [*]Attack speed of Predators and Deathmongers was changed from 1.9 to 1.25 seconds. Gold price was increased by 10 and 20. [*]Damage of Shieldmaidens was increased by 7. [*]Damage of Valkyries was increased by 15. [*]Gold price of Priestesses was increased by 5. [*]Amplification spell of Sorceresses and Demigoddesses applies with every attack in a small area now. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26976525/c87c49d1ff076f832a3549dffb70d3c790ac2601.jpg[/img] [h3]Skills Changes[/h3] When Astral Voyage add-on came, it increased total amount of skill points significantly, so it was hard to change a skill build. In previous updates we improved skill system. We added an option to remove a single skill with right mouse button. If this action is unavailble then the game shows which skill blocks an action. Reset skill button reset skills of one class only now. All these changes were asked by players and we implemented them. Now we think the system is easy to change your skill build. We hope players will praise these change. Also we made a lot of changes in skills. We made unpopular skills stronger. There is the list below. [list] [*]Faerie Fire and Sorceressess skills now work for Sorceresses and Demigoddesses. [*]Colleagues skill now works on Cannoneers and Destroyers as well. [*]Lightning Sword gold price was reduced from 35 to 25. Ability cooldown was reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. Damage was increased from 135 to 175. Duration of slow effect was increased by 50%. [*]God's Hammer gold price was reduced from 50 to 40. Damage was increased from 60 to 75. [*]Death Strike gold price was reduced from 65 to 50. Ability cooldown was reduced from 60 seconds to 40 seconds. Damage was increased from 25 to 30. [*]Magic Chakram gold price was reduced from 90 to 70. Ability cooldown was reduced from 90 to 55 seconds. Armor reduction was increased from 5 to 10. Damage was increased from 75 to 95. Duration of armor reduction effect was increased by 100%. [*]Corrosive Shells gold price was reduced from 40 to 25. [*]Enchanted summoned skill stun duration was increased from 3/6/9 seconds to 4/8/12 seconds. Area of effect was slightly increased. [*]Aura of Stone spell. Attack speed bonus was increased from 25% to 33%. Slow effect was increased from 24% to 30%. Damage bonus effect was improved from 40% to 66%. Cooldown of spell was increased from 60 to 70 seconds. [*]Stone explosion damage was increased from 175/225/350 to 200/250/400. Armor reduction effect was increased from 10 to 20. Armor reduction duration was increased by 100%. [*]Slowing stones skill duration was increased from 8/8/12 to 12/12/18 seconds. Area of effect was increased by 20%. [*]Contract skill recall time was increased from 400%/850%/1400% to 600%/1100%/1750%. [*]Mason skill cooldown changed from 120/80/45 seconds to 100/55/35 seconds. [*]Keeper skill chance increased from 10%/20%/30% to 13%/27%/40%. [*]Bomb spell damage was changed from 100/125/150 to 125/150/200. [*]Gold Rush spell duration was increased from 8/8/12 to 12/12/16 seconds. Area of effect was increased by 33%. [*]Fireball damage was rescaled from 55/55/80 to 70/70/100. Burn damage was increased from 0/2/3 to 0/3/5. Burn duration was increased from 10/15 seconds to 14/21 seconds. [*]Lightning damage was increased from 100/135/175/225 to 100/140/190/250. [*]Static Charge radius (seeking closest tower) was increased by 40%. [*]Base radius of teleportation was increased by 25%. [*]Storm duration was increased from 9/12/12 seconds to 13/13/18 seconds. [*]Firewall damage per seconds was increased from 35/35/55 to 50/50/75. [*]War Fire bonus damage was rescaled from 30%/60%/100% to 50%/100%/150%. [*]Minituarize duration was increased from 8/12/12 seconds to 10/15/15 seconds. Area of effect on Level 3 was increased by 15%. [*]Thunderstorm damage was changed from 25/25/40 to 35/35/50. Armor reduction effect was improved from 4 to 12. Duration of effect was increased from 8 seconds to 20 seconds. [*]Damage of Meteor (Meteor Shower spell) was increased from 100 to 175. Burn damage was increased from 4 to 10. [*]Ancestor's Spirits bonus damage was rescaled from 30%/30%/45% to 40%/40%/60%. Manacost was increased by 5. Area of effect was increased by 25%. [*]Owl's Wisdom Manacost reduction was increased from 20 to 40. [*]Carry Over mana bonus was increased from 5/10/15 to 7/11/15. [*]Defender Spirit rune item. Cooldown was reduced from 30 seconds to 15 seconds. Manacost was changed from 15 to 10. Spell duration was increased from 15 to 35 seconds. [*]Meteor rune item. Damage was increased from 100 to 175. Manacost was reduced from 30 to 20. Burn damage was increased from 2 to 10. [/list] [img][/img] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] Thanks for reporting in the forum about bugs. Without you support we couldn't find them all. There is a list of bugs we fixed. [list] [*]Fixed the critical bug when player got negative rewards after resetting skills several times. [b](Players who have negative values now, please, add Rurik to friends. He will help)[/b] [*][b]Mac version[/b] of the game should work properly now. [*]Fixed the bug in multiplayer games when joined player got stuck in the end of the session. [*]Enemy towers can be opened in encyclopedia now. [*]Description of items in the backpack and treasure market shows real numbers now. [*]Fixed the bug when click on the old mage could open comics and a dialogue at the same time. [*]Addded missing texts of Portuguese skills [*]Fixed the bug when Demigoddesses could polymorph dwarf mines. [*]Fixed wrong description of Execution ability in Russian localisation. [*]Player do not get "Impossible to position" message in the start of the game anymore (it happened because of Auto-city mode). [*]Fixed descriptions of attack types in Russian localisation. [*]Fixed descpriptions on tower info in Portuguese translation. [*]Visual and sound fixes of Lightning Sword ability perfomance (Witcher skill). [*]Fixed Scully name in English localisation. [*]Bonus damage from Warlord skill is applied to bonus damage now. [*]Added German transaltion for 10-12 hotkeys. [*]Fixed the bug with Rating menu when title name was oversized in Spanish and Portuguese translations. [*]Fixed the bug with Start game text button in Arema of French Description. It was oversized. [*]Changed the text in Hot Air Balloon message when no maps available in English localisation. [*]Fixed typos in German promo banner. [*]The Order of Knigh Templars was shortened in English localisation. [*]Fixed description of Armor Aura of Troll Chanter. [*]Fixed the bug with %val instead of number in Gold Chains spell. [*]Fixed the bug with %val instead of number in Defender Spirit spell. [*]Fixed the bug with %val instead of number in Lightning spell in Chinese localisation. [*]Fixed wrong number in the description of Stone Fist spell. [/list] [h2]Play with us,[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26976525/5c16275f822181e369256a46174de79dbba6dae1.jpg[/img]