Major Update! Version 2.01 is here!

Warstone TD

Warstone is a Tower Defense game, with RPG, Strategy, and even city building elements. Detailed Hi-res graphics and beautiful illustrations combine with a deep storyline to draw you into the world.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26976525/ef6e2928cd32ed15fe806e55dcaa5598dc051da6.jpg[/img] [h2]Skill points system improvements[/h2] First of all, we added new building, Nechai's Flower. It allows to buy extra SP. We set SP limit of 140 for all players. A few players duo different reasons had more than 140 SP. We manually reset their SP and reduced their amount to 133. So, all players have equal possibilities in co-op and PvP battles now. We added an ability to reset asingle skill with right mouse button. The game was designed for 60-70 SP. It was doubled with DLC release, so sometimes it was really annoying to reset skills and choose them again. A lot of people asked for this feature. It wasn't an easy task, but we did it. Also, we added another small feature. When you press Reset of Skills button then you reset only skills of chosen class. Also, we added 99 level. We hope, these changes will make Warstone more pleasant game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26976525/eacb2f79e1a4c98cb7483137196c7df8f6cf0e82.png[/img] [h2]Another changes and improvements[/h2] [list] [*]Added Survival mode for Awakening and Death Trap missions and Challenge mode for Crystal Swirls [*]Enemies in Awakening and Secret mission of Hell difficulty now have 200% of basic health instead of 300%. So, you can complete them now (they were kinda unbeatable) [*]Players who passed The End of Story mission got an ability to build Castle V [*]Info of incoming waves is divided for different roads now. It helps to plan better strategy [*]We added sounds for all DLC buildings. Sounds for battle part of DLC come a bit later. [*]Players can see what missions they have already passed in Create Mission menu of Arena [*]End of Story mission (8th DLC mission) can be passed usual way since a lot players just don't read texts and complain about "the game doesn't finish" [*]Restart button in co-op and PvP games is hidden now. Pressing that button broke the game [*]Encyclopedia gets Hell button setting [*]Menu music is disabled if music is turned off [*]Death Ray of Plasma Elementals deal Pure damage. It is not reduced by magic resistance now [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26976525/d11732c4390a27e0d997a6de163a390725ed6a0c.jpg[/img] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Totem should work properly now and give mithril to player. It didn't work when player used local server [*]Look of Crying Rushana building was improved. [*]Enemies in Maze levels walk properly now without twitching [*]Fixed the bug when parchment of Lightning scroll gave Fireball scrolls [*]Fixed the bug when PvP wave didn't end when a mine was placed on the road [*]Crystal and Astral Soarers in PvP are flying units now (were ground) [*]Fixed the bug when selling indicator was shown at incorrect place when player had screen resolution [*]First summoned PvP unit had wrong abilities in PvP battles. Fixed [*]Fixed the bug when players couldn't change difficulty in arena after being in Skills menu [*]Fixed the bug with selling tower which stands on Eagle warstone [*]Price of Sorcerers was too low. Fixed [*]Fixed the bug when flying comets could went through an island [*]Animation of covering under a shield for Nechai Skeleton and Skeleton was fixed [*]Added missing description for Plasma Elemental upgrades [*]Start and entry point in Death Trap mission was confused [*]Nechai Skeleton can't be killed with Midas Touch now [*]Removed wrong ability for one of Novices tower in In the Vicinity of the Temple mission [*]Fixed bug with star achievement for Two Mountains mission [*]Fixed broken names of Boomba and Betelgeuse as mobs in Russian localisation [*]Fixed the bug when Cannoner stunned air units with Shockwave ability [*]Some fixes of building and upgrade descriptions in Russian localisation [*]Fixed the bug when stones in End of Story mission were in the ground [*]State animation of Shamans as tower was fixed [*]Fixed the bug when Destroyer could destroy his own mine with splash [*]Animation of death for a lot of troll was fixed [*]Fixed the bug with 2 divine stones at the same place in Piedmont missions [*]Scully which appears after Scullhead death can be killed with magic while appearing now [*]Visual of Rocky mob was improved [*]Look of Scullhead and Sorcerer in the encyclopedia was fixed [*]Enemies and towers in secret level have standard icon now [*]Minor UI fixes of arena menu [*]Fixed the bug when ]Inquisitors attacked mines placed by their allied cannon units with their 'silence' ability. [*]Removed flying comets at Death Trap missions [*]Small fixes of Loading menu [/list] [b]Play with us,[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26976525/5c16275f822181e369256a46174de79dbba6dae1.jpg[/img]