Version 1.06

Secrets of Magonia

In this tower defence game, you enter the world of Magonia and defend it against hordes of humans, orcs, ogres and other evil forces. Fight in different areas and adapt your strategy to the terrain and the enemy forces.

[b]General[/b] [list] [*] Lakeside Meadow added Towerposition top right [*] Added 4 additional shared stash tabs (Quick item swap with ctrl + click) [*] Summoning items summon units at position of last attacked enemy [*] Added enemy Last stand visual effect [*] Increased Waveindicator flashing speed and added pulsing [*] Added damage type icons to t1 tower symbols [*] Added wavepath display when hovering over start wave button [*] In the On Fire world common items drop now less frequently, instead rare items drop a bit more (overall the total loot value stays the same, just less clutter) [/list] [b]Balancing[/b] [list] [*] HP Penalty removed for items which increase spawned unit count [*] Increased damage and firerate of healer items, also slightly increased some other stats [*] Increased HP attribute of unit items, removed or improved HP regen attribute [*] Bear HP 260 -> 280 [*] Bear Upgrade "Thick Hide": armor 3->4, maxrank: 3->4 [*] Bear Upgrade "Growth Hormones": 90g -> 80g, maxrank: 2->3 [*] Bear Upgrade "Brawler": 120g -> 110g [*] Lionking Upgrade: 140g -> 120g [*] Archer Tower default air target priority (if no air, first target) [*] Buffed damage of Archer I - III slightly [*] Buffed damage of Ballista slightly [*] Stinger upgrade "Shield Breaker": 80g -> 70g [*] Stinger upgrade "Target Practice": 6% -> 5% crit chance, 0 -> 5% damage [*] Stinger upgrade "Larger Quiver": 110g -> 100g, burst cd reduction 0.1s -> 0.15s [*] Changed Zebra to engableable, movement speed 1.7 -> 1.8 [*] Frostqueen damage 26-27 -> 23-24 [*] Discharge upgrade "Chaos Strikes": 70g -> 85g, ranke 3 -> 2, chaos chance: 30% -> 40% [*] Discharge upgrade "Add Chain": 0 -> 0.3 chain distance [*] Tesla range 5.8 -> 5.6 [*] Reduced item tier scaling of item Endbringer [*] Emerald Mine dot damage duration 4.2s -> 5.2s [*] Emerald Mine stun duration 0.3s -> 0.4s and slow effectiveness 15% -> 20% [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Army of the death spell card now working correctly [*] Fixed tesla sound effect [*] quest item rewards are now lootable after reforging [*] When placing towerbases, other towers are not selectable anymore [*] Towers can now be selected, after pausing the game and placing a unit spawn flag [/list]