Version 1.10c

Secrets of Magonia

In this tower defence game, you enter the world of Magonia and defend it against hordes of humans, orcs, ogres and other evil forces. Fight in different areas and adapt your strategy to the terrain and the enemy forces.

[h2]General[/h2] [list] [*] enemy info display current and base movement speed [*] Highlight highest 3 DPS towers at end of the game [*] Changed critical damage description label of tower info [*] Changes to position of slow and poison visual effects [*] Effect of poison on enemy better visibile [*] Poison Duration skill from 10% duration to 5% duration, damage stays 5% [*] Item equip information will only appear in second map and only if you forgot to equip an item in the first map [*] Slow effects durations now tracked also by each tower -> slow effect stat more useful [/list] [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*] Missing font at "change difficulty" popup [*] Swapped positions of Firefly tower & Incinerator and Plaguebringer & Sporelord in tower arsenal [*] Correct translation for Poisonous beak and exposing weakness [/list]