In this tower defence game, you enter the world of Magonia and defend it against hordes of humans, orcs, ogres and other evil forces. Fight in different areas and adapt your strategy to the terrain and the enemy forces.
This roadmap roughly represents the current plan of future content updates.
It is certainly not complete, but should give you a good overview of whats to come.
Also some things might switch around between the bigger updates, its not set in stone.
[h2]Update 1:[/h2]
[*] Two new basic maps
[i]Abandonded trail - Shortcut from Fissured desert to alpine pass
Twin rivers - eastern parts of the map[/i]
[*] New bonfire mods
[i] E.g. Mods which enhance added enemies[/i]
[*] New general skills
[*] New specialization skills
[*] Three new skills per tower
[*] New Quest conditions, rewards
[i] Timed quests, lose no health (no leaks), ...[/i]
[h2]Update 2:[/h2]
[*] Add new camp locations
[i] Depending on the last map played, the camp location and visuals will be different, maybe like 3-4 different locations. (Immersion)[/i]
[*] Hardcore mode
[i]Start with one global pool of 20 Health, Lost lives will carry over to between maps, possibility to gain Health via skills, tbd.[/i]
Graveyard for dead houses (Hardcore mode)
[*] UI improvements
[*] Speed running
[i]Timers, player stats [/i]
[*] New upgrades for spells
[*] Two new towers
[*] New standard map
[h2]Update 3:[/h2]
[*] Late game maps
[i] Larger,camera movement, more waves[/i]
[*] Quest chains
[i]Challenging with special rewards[/i]
[*] Relic system
[i]Find relics throughout the game and select 4 at levels 15, 30, 45, 60 -> bigger effects than a skill[/i]
[*] New items
New rarity, legendary? Not sure yet