v2.5 - Fluid Simulation (Open Beta)

Slime Research

Slimy Puzzle Platforming

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34134583/bfa4a443d63e67ccd884a808fe7b7c279936f41a.png[/img] [b]Release Notes[/b] - Player Character re-implemented in [url=https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/obi-fluid-63067]Obi Fluid[/url] (#AssetFlip HYPE) - 6 of 18 levels from v2.4 beatable with v2.5 Beta Slime - Dev levels added to pad out playtime (I recommend "dev_SlimeMovement") [b]Known Issues:[/b] - Slime Core remotely calling Slime - Remote Slime may no longer respond after touching errant Slime particles - Poor Fluid collision on Physics Spheres (breaking "Slime Containment Puzzle") - Leaky One-Way Gates [i](Guess that's what $5 gets you)[/i] - (UI) Build information blocks some menus, including Level Select - [strike](Click Here to see 27 more issues)[/strike] [b]Beta Access[/b] The beta is available in both [b]Paid[/b] and [b]Demo[/b] form. [i]After downloading the game:[/i] - Find "Slime Research" in your Library, right click it, and then click "Properties" - Click on the "Betas" tab, and then look for "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" - Click on that, then on "beta - Fluid Sim Beta", and close the window! [b]Not v3.0?[/b] Nope - While this [i]is[/i] a [b]MAJORBIG UPDATE[/b] [i](buy my game)[/i], it's still a Minor version number. 3.0 and Major versions will be saved for new features that require the Level Save Format to be updated. Or in another way, in the event 2.X can NOT load a new 3.0 Feature - This could include new place able Level Objects/ Block Types, or new Slime Types. On the other hand, Minor versions may include improvements to existing Characters, new Menus, maybe even a Minigame. These don't interact with "saved level data" and, much like this Fluid Simulation Beta, some BIG updates may only get Minor version numbers! [b]Before Buying[/b] Try the [b]Demo[/b]! This game has very little existing content, with nearly a [b]1 in 5 Return Rate[/b]! The Median Playtime at the time of writing is [b]29 minutes[/b] for [b]Paid[/b] players, and [b]7 minutes[/b] for [b]Demo[/b] players. Plan on entertaining yourself in in a small number of levels, or experimenting with your own in the Level Editor! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34134583/bc6f869260c0b035e97d2d1f0ed0720a5e7ba967.png[/img][i]"""Premium""" One-Way Floors - New-fangled Fluid Slime can't even walk proper on 'em yet...[/i] [b]Future Work[/b] I'm hoping the remaining levels might be fixed by 2 issues: - SR-76: Having Slime stick to Level Objects, as it does to normal Ground - SR-77: Moving Slime around corners more generally/ deftly (based on climbing up stairs) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34134583/941a69b618bb21e869d4ca8299f757aeb3c6ed26.png[/img] I'll be looking into these, and a myriad of smaller issues, over the next 2 weeks (!) . And.... Maybe I'll finally get around to adding some background. The beta "event" ends in two weeks, but Beta Access will remain until more Existing Levels are Beatable, and I release a new non-Beta version. If/When I again decide to completely overhaul some pre-existing system - Maybe there'll be another Beta! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34134583/494abbc19ddec893c131b839db621c961069c428.png[/img] [i]You, downloading the Free Demo[/i] Hope you enjoy Slime Research! - Scotty