Go on a trip through time! Experience the freedom of traveling into any date, hour and minute in time between the years 1 and 2077! Help your best friend Edward in his scientific affairs! Watch out for the Time Agents & avoid yourself!
[h1]Hello fellow players![/h1]
[h2]This months regular update gives you some nice new features and mechanics to play with, whilst I am now working to complete Act 4.[/h2]
[h2]ACT 4 is in testing stages.[/h2]
[b]I am in the midst of writing and coding the last quest and if I manage, I want to release ACT 4 for Christmas 2024.
[h2]Become a smithy apprentice![/h2]
[b]The smithing mini job was removed completely and in its stead, new crafting mechanics have been added!
First you head to one of the smithies and convince the good craftsman to take you in as his apprentice.[/b]
[b]First you will learn how to smelt ingots and smelt sword blanks![/b]
[b]Then you craft a plan from that blank, heat up the blade and hit it with the hammer.[/b]
[b]Later you can heat them up again and hammer them to repair their used state.[/b]
[b]You can sell your creations for good money![/b]
[b]Weapon racks can be unlocked for the safe house![/b]
[b]Sharpen your weapons to increase their damage! Self made swords also give you bonus damage.[/b]
[b]The smithies now are also physical stores, just like the 6/12.[/b]
[h2]Brewing Tables.[/h2]
[b]Similar to smithing, you gain the ability to learn recipes from around the map.[/b]
Fort dun has secret passages with forgotten recipes that enhance your abilties.[/b]
Plants grow based on seasons, and only in specific spots though you can get them from the local herb store in Cape Dun for a price.[/b]
Animal Beds![/h2]
[b]Want your pets to stay at your safe house, but have to freedom to roam around?
Create an animal bed, which will not only fulfill that wish, but also keep the pets morale up.[/b]
What are you lookin at?[/h2]
[b]Npcs have now a more natural way of turning towards you.[/b]
[h3]I hope you like this nice little update to keep you entertained, whilst I finish act 4.
There will be a little epilogue quest next year that will bring you back to the facility, after act 4, This will be the planned closing note.[/h3]
(I cannot make a thumbnail link for the video atm, since Steam seems to be broken in this regard)
Check out No Time Explorer's channel. He does nice No Time Lore videos occasionally.[/h3]
[b][h3]God bless and have a nice month.[/h3][/b]
November 10th V0.96[/b]
[*] Added millstones as liftable weights to the older ages, also available as safe house object
[*] Added new herbs and schrooms to be gathered in the wild
[*] Added the healing potions blueprint
[*] Added cigars to the mim lounge
[*] Added mutated sewer cats to space station "BILLY"
[*] Added weapon racks
[*] Added the night stalker (they prefer caves)
[*] Added animal beds which can spawn your pet in the safe house, it adds friendly meter boost to the pet occasionally
[*] Added smelting and smithing as crafting and revamped the old smithing job to be now selling of your crafted swords
(self made weapons give extra damage)
[*] Added grinding stones to sharpen swords
[*] Added a little apprenticeship quest for smithies, which replaces the old mini job
[*] Added sword conditions
[*] Added the ability to learn various smithing and smelting recipes from different time periods
[*] Added copper and iron ore and more ore veins around the island
[*] Added smooth npc looking, at you or other targets
(turning their heads and upper bodys... not doing full turns unless you are directly behind them)
[*] Revamped the Questlog Notification effects
[*] Revamped brewing and smithing to be now done with separate crafting stations
[*] Changed the delete save icon into a trash bin to avoid the possible confusion of taking it for the escape button
[*] Made the islands rocks a bit darker in texture
[*] Made smithy stores now physical stores like the 6/12
[*] Fixed the missing head shadow when wearing costumes
[*] Fixed the inability to add wing objects to the car editor
[*] Fixed the glasses from not appearing on hunter and medieval armor
[*] Fixed a clipping collision error in area 1
[*] Fixed more various missing translations in the lang folder
[*] Fixed the chairs and tables being too small in the gamma timeline
[*] Fixed your friendly npcs from reacting negatively to your pet animals
[*] Fixed the ability to copy and paste pet animals in between capsules
[*] Fixed paying in double negatives, meaning you could gain money instead of paying money depending on extreme inflation
[*] Fixed the hospital from looking too modern in earlier ages
[*] Fixed the alpha timeline chip from being craftible before act 3
[*] Fixed an issue that would make held items drop if you get to hold a new one (Unless your inventory is full)
[*] Fixed it so you cannot dial the year 0 from a space gate
[*] Fixed the missing auto save from the QuestForEdward chapter
[*] Fixed friendly fire for swords amongst npcs and towards the player
[*] Made it so any new player now starts off with 3 points of muscle
[*] Fixed the agents from entering the store during the robots berate at the end of act 1
[*] Fixed the training bots low damage against enemies
[*] Fixed the bug which would make noble swords appear as options in the blacksmith menu
[*] Fixed the biting sound when picking up an item from weapon racks
[*] Fixed the counter at the smithy in pine lake from being too small
[*] Fixed the resolution ui for whide screen 5120x1440