Go on a trip through time! Experience the freedom of traveling into any date, hour and minute in time between the years 1 and 2077! Help your best friend Edward in his scientific affairs! Watch out for the Time Agents & avoid yourself!
Hello fellow players,
here are the patches listed since the last announcement.
[url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1043340/view/6591639331845943822?l=english]Link the the UPDATE post
Enjoy the game and God bless!
[*] Fixed the Meta explosion from happening for time cars
[*] Fixed the syncing of cars traveling through time
[*] Added Szoguns Artwork into the Mod Loader
[*] Fixed the recallgate bug, upon which you could not return from your time gating
[*] Incrased the size of the sir atom trigger box
[*] Excluded the time wipe for act 2s cave in 33 ad just in case someone drops quest essential items there
[*] Fixed players head from appearing white if in Multiplayer
[*] Fixed a bug where in bill the 2nd instead of the first be talking in ACT 3s Last Stage Quest (Thanks Neko for the report)
[*] Fixed the floating head bug for other players when wearing a taxi costume
[*] Fixed the items from not appearing for other players when dropped or used
[*] Fixed the time wave event from not triggering when traveled to
[*] Fixed the time wave event from not triggering when traveled to
[*] Fixed the focus on the chat screen so you wont have to click on it all the time to type
[*]Added SSAO
[*]Moved out the wheels a bit more so they don't look so tucked into the car
[*]Modified the cars door model a bit
[*]Made some alterations in the code so hopefully player with lower frames don''t get hazard when moving with the car11
[*]Fixed some more typos
[*]Fixed the taxi costume texture for past selves
[*]Improved some of the Quest Description for Mansion Crimson
[*]Fixed the missing description for bounties, as to where to drop them off
[*]Fixed the small amount of citizen spawns in byroad before 1900
[*]Fixed a bug in act 3 where in you would be stuck in mouse mode view at the beginning of the game
[*]Fixed a bug which would spawn endless droves of bullets during the Diverting Actions Quest in the AI base
[*]Added weapon aiming
[*]Revamped the EPA visuals
[*]Fixed more typos
[*]Fixed the flash lights looks
[*]Fixed clouds from not appearing in the sky
[*]Fixed glass items from respawning if crashed to the ground
[*]Fixed dropped items from not spawning anymore if traveling back to the same date in time