New this week: New survival features and hard mode improvements. This is a BETA update. Please use the Beta branch in BrVR's steam library page -> gear icon -> properties -> betas.
[b]Added several survival features to hard mode[/b]
Covid-19 cases have been going down in the frontrooms, but apparently, a new disease has been rising in the backrooms! In Hard Mode, you can now get sick by eating raw meat or eating with bloody hands. Sickness makes you cough and take more damage, as well as have longer screen effects when damaged. You can disinfect yourself with a bottle of pills, found in tan crates. There is currently a known bug where pill jars can become empty when transferred between levels. Speaking of bloody hands, you can now get bloody hands by getting damaged in hard mode. Bloody hands can be washed off by pouring any liquid on your hands.
[b]Made it so that you can rob the level 33 ATMs[/b]
ATM robberies were never as simple! Just simply grab a crowbar (conveniently placed on the opposite table) and bash the ATM to smithereens (it awards 100BB) - Suggested by NotASDF on our discord
[b]Added a thirst meter[/b]
This is a massive change. Thirst, hunger, health, and sanity are all separate stats now. This makes food items very valuable and balancing operations will be carried out in the future to attempt to make the stats engaging and a constant threat.
[b]Added ammo saving to several more weapons[/b]
Not a perfect feature (still has some bugs), however ammo now persists across levels. If you use a couple of shots from a Mac-11 to take out a window in level 22, go to 23, go to 20, and somehow find yourself back in 22 (like I did on a stream testing), you will still have the same amount of ammo in your mac-11 as when you left off shooting. This applies to all magazine-fed weapons right now, however it will be applied to shotguns and grenade launchers later.
Now for some rapid-fire changes:
[b]De-janked the escalators in level 201
Made windows not do damage to you in No Entities mode or No Sanity mode
Removed the hub entrance from the ragerooms
Fixed some collision issues with the MP7
Added Clump and Duller Removal setting - Suggested by LunaNightZ on our discord
Rearranged a few walls in level 0[/b]
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