v. 0.6.6

Horde Hunters

Horde Hunters is a challenging horde survival rogue-lite that doesn't make you run in circles. Explore procedural maps full of missions and activities all the while using your weapons, items and abilities to slay thousands of monsters in about 15 minutes.

Hello. This update brings new content and various QOL improvements. Thanks to a few Youtube videos I was able to pick up a number of suggestions that make for a better run experience. There's also a new endless map called Village Hardcore which brings the pain. Let me know if you'd be interested in some other endless type maps to compete in. [b]General[/b] [list] [*]NEW party member: Cat - Good girl jump attacks enemies and scares them away [*]NEW item: Energy Shield - Blocks one attack then goes to cooldown [*]NEW consumable: Disco Ball - Murder on the dancefloor. Enemies are hit with damage or stun [*]NEW power-up: Lantern - Activates at night for better visibility. Chance to scare enemies away [*]NEW power-up: Rabbit's Foot - Better odds for rarer weapon and item types on level up [*]NEW mission type: Protect - Stay within the area and keep the subject alive [*]NEW endless map: Village Hardcore - Very Hard difficulty, 5 Power-ups [*]Maximum power-ups you can have on a run increased from 8 to 10 [*]There's a new popup when trying to purchase something when the inventory slots are full [*]Weapon slot initial purchase cost reduced from 50 to 35. Incremental cost increased from 25 to 35 [*]There's a level up reminder every 10s above the player as these tend to be missed by players in the heat of things [*]There's a new button on level up to stop leveling up (and do it later) if you have many level ups queued [*]Mission arrows will display a name in the first few seconds for better visibility [*]Activating a rune gives a random consumable [*]Chickens will change target if it gets too far away (some faster enemies for instance) [*]Attack rate for party members is no longer boosted by player Agility [*]Mission maps are no longer available from the start. You need to complete the Village first [*]Improved the tutorial (training grounds) with more information [*]Adjusted bandit camp and library to scale better with their benefits [*]Replaced character selection buffs/debuffs with simple class type texts [*]Better visibility for the Bulk Discount option [*]Backpack power-up max level decreased from 5 to 4. Now gives random consumables instead of the character default [*]The low health warning under the player is more noticeable [*]On the map runes are labelled with their number and there's information at the bottom with how many are activated [*]Jumping and dashing enemies will have a line indicator before their action [*]Slowed down the flyby enemy groups a bit (~20%) [*]Haste will slow down all enemy types and projectiles as well. Movement speed reduced from +100% to +50% [*]Leaderboard has attack mode and ability mode information when hovering over the character sprite [*]Power-ups changes: Character power-ups are saved separately for each map (old ones have been reset), Additional information panel on power-ups page, Unusable power-ups can't be selected [*]Some GUI tweaks here and there [*]Ongoing mission description will take precedence if moving over to some other building [*]Music will lower in volume while in level up and other reward screens [*]Chaos Stone default multiplier changed from 2.5 to 2 [*]Added Israel flag to leaderboard [/list] [b]Bugs[/b] [list] [*]Alt-tabbing early on in the night can make the playable area really dark for a while so you can't see anything [*]Pausing the game caused the sandworm pull force to reset for player and enemies [*]Buying weapon slots open had some issues [*]You can pick a party member from mission rewards even though slots are full [*]The compared item could be different to the base item on some maps [*]Priest's Cross weapon attack rate was multiplied by INT rather than AGI [*]The 3 max ongoing missions was doing the opposite - affected every other map except normal maps [*]You could open character and map in shop while the upgrades were loading making them appear in the background [*]Vortex made enemies push through the Protective Dome [*]Armor Piercer always inflicted a fixed 50% of damage [*]Chaos Stone always did a random 1-5x damage [*]Enemy could action their special attack while in the process of dying [/list]