v. 0.7.9

Horde Hunters

Horde Hunters is a challenging horde survival rogue-lite that doesn't make you run in circles. Explore procedural maps full of missions and activities all the while using your weapons, items and abilities to slay thousands of monsters in about 15 minutes.

Hello. As mentioned before a regular content update has been long overdue and this one brings it in spades! In it you'll find a new character, new items, new power-ups, new mission type, new special enemies, new synergies between weapons and items, a new soundtrack, and plenty of other changes and tweaks. [h2]Leper character[/h2] Please welcome Leman to the character roster. He carries a rusty sword and has an unmask ability to scare off enemies - potentially to death! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43106001/6745e829ff6960ccd60f7eb7c981bc7c915180f1.png[/img] [h2]Weapon synergies[/h2] Exciting new synergies between weapons and items are now found randomized for each run. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43106001/1624bc2750b53b693657dff075ea17f85568578e.png[/img] [h2]And much more![/h2] Previously weapon and item stats were randomized at start of run and then left as is for the remainder of run. This meant that if e.g. you saw an Epic weapon but did not choose it, it would still be that same Epic weapon when coming up next time around. Now these stats randomize during the run so you're not suffering from a potentially bad seed and things are always fresh. There's a whole new soundtrack replacing the in-game and menu tunes which I hope you enjoy. As for everything else, check out the full changelog below for all the additions and changes. [h2]Leaderboard reset[/h2] I should mention that all leaderboard scores have been cleared for versions before v. 0.7.5. This is when big score changes were introduced. [h3]Full changelog:[/h3] [b]General[/b] [list] [*]New character: Leper - Melee fighter with Unmask ability [*]New item: Treasure Map - Spawns a random treasure chest on the map. Once found, spawns another [*]New item: Poor Man's Trinket - Damage increase to all Weak weapons [*]New item: Painkillers - Invincibility whenever taking damage [*]New power-up: Student - Reduces weapon incompatibility penalty [*]New power-up: Gold Digger - More gold from ore deposits (removed from Miner power-up) [*]New power-up: Map - Reveals the full map at start of run [*]New mission type: Fetch - Collect missing crates and bring them back [*]New enemy/elite type: "Bomber" - Shoots a fire projectile with AoE damage. Stays further away [*]New enemy type: "Suicider" - Runs fast at you and explodes on impact. Has 2x health and 3x the damage on explosion [*]New enemy formation attack: Suicide Squad - As you'd expect [*]New weapon synergies with items [*]New setting: Event log messages (Default: On, replaced event log messages near player) [*]New soundtrack [*]Weapon/item rarity change: Stats are randomized whenever a weapon/item is: Not chosen on level up, Reroll button is used on level up, Consumed (e.g. Reanimate) or Sold [*]To spice things up special enemies start to appear earlier in the game (from 1min onwards instead of 3) [*]Barracks building is found on all Desert maps [*]Sandworm pull force is a bit stronger than player base speed so you can get away by running or using haste [*]Sandworm will not appear during an ongoing mission [*]Protect missions no longer have a mission radius [*]Challenge missions will have double the outside timer limit as usual missions [*]Gold Ores have a lot more gold but the damage needed to mine them increases with each coin [*]Elite Sorcerer additionally curses the player when doing damage with the pentagram. This effect (-25% damage resistance) can be removed at the Church [*]Dogs and Farmers target enemies better (previously random target location, now actually where enemies are) [*]Incompatible weapons have varying penalty amounts (10-50%) [*]Incompatible weapon type penalty is not applied to starting weapons but is otherwise if not matching character type [*]Barracks gives you the option to buy new slots if they are full when buying a party member [*]Barracks has the option to customize character attack/ability mode during the run [*]Cart driver and Bear will only strike enemies on the ground [*]Flyby "line" rows increase as time goes by and they can also have a wavy movement pattern [*]Mage initial health decreased from 100 to 75 [*]Party members rewarded from missions count only 50% towards their price increase in barracks [*]Character Endurance debuffed for player damage resistance (used to be 50% END, now 30%) [*]Added an "Equipped" tab to Power-ups screen [*]Added 1 new rune reward [*]Added more control info under in-game quick pause [*]Tutorial has had some improvements on presenting the information [*]Setting sliders allow for clicking anywhere on the slider bar to make a change (mouse only) [*]Simplified the top GUI. Health and energy are now always displayed near the player [*]Highlighted all important consumable on the ground with an arrow [*]Increased the overall contrast of visuals [*]Removed the setting to show small damage numbers (it is now default instead of 1000x) [/list] [b]Bugs[/b] [list] [*]Challenge missions did not occur on some maps. These missions had a couple of other issues as well such as the mission not spawning where the elite was [*]Canceling teleport would still leave a decoy behind [/list]