UX and Navigation Improvements

Skábma™ - Snowfall

The rhythm of nature is in danger! You are Áilu, a young Sámi whose ordinary reindeer herding day turns into an adventure. Learn the old ways of the Noaidis, Sámi Healers. Harness the powers of the Noaidi Drum and the Familiar Spirits to fight against a disorder spreading across the land!

[b][h1]Patch Notes for 1.0.69 2022-06-24[/h1][/b] [b][h2]Overview[/h2][/b] New feature developed for Skábma - Snowfall based on player feedback a navigational aid system that can be seen in many places by drumming, also included are a boatload of other UX improvements and bugfixes. We wish you all a fantastic MidSummer Solstice! [b][h2]New:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] New PathGuide mechanic that guides the player towards major points of interest with a visual effect that is revealed by drumming along main paths and near more common points of interest. [*] Improvement to Save Game menu in the form of confirmation dialog on save. [/list] [b][h2]Changes:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] Improve Save/Load Menu UX [*] Sort savefiles by timestamp in both save/load menus [*] Visual Redesign of WindPulse effects [*] Decrease reindeer pet sound volume [*] Change vocalizations Áilu makes for some Chapter 1 examine objects [/list] [b][h2]Fixes:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] Fix: confirmation prompts in Save/Load allowing click-through and some hotkeys [*] Make cloth sounds quieter in a certain late-game location [*] Add a couple extra guiding visuals to help see the correct path from Lake to Forest entrance [*] Extend an invisible wall in C5 GreatCaves to restrict players from getting to an unwanted area. [*] Baked ReactiveRockCeiling animation. Ailu can no longer be thrown off by the rocks. [*] Add checkpoint on the route to the treasure island. [*] Fix Barbmu glitching waterplane [*] Fix Mihkkal gameplay vocalizations playing during a cutscene [*] Fix Suonjar gameplay vocalizations playing during certain cutscenes [*] Decrease gameplay audio volume during certain cutscenes [*] Fix Mihkkal letting out idle vocalizations during a specific conversation [*] Fix End Credits scrolling getting stuck [*] Lowered the dolly camera between Village and Great Caves corridor [*] Tweak volume for some JeanFrancois vocalizations [*] Fix Ailu Drum Effect earth/air visuals inverted [*] Cutscenes: Ailu picks drum from the ground more smoothly in PatientZero [*] Cutscene polish: StalluHunter 2 and WorriedSick [*] Cutscenes: Ailu picks drum from the ground more smoothly in PatientZero [*] Cutscenes: Fixed NPC's beard in SpeakingWithTheDevil [*] Cutscene polish: TheHeroReturns [*] Cutscene polish: Focused cameras better in TheBadShepherd and WrongWay [*] Animation polish in CorneredNoaidi cutscene. [*] Cutscene polish: Tweak cloth and lookat in The Fall part 1 and 2, EveryoneIsSick, TheUpperWorld, Bassireveal, Barbmmureveal, SpeakingWithTheDevil [/list]