Patch Notes for 1.1.100

Skábma™ - Snowfall

The rhythm of nature is in danger! You are Áilu, a young Sámi whose ordinary reindeer herding day turns into an adventure. Learn the old ways of the Noaidis, Sámi Healers. Harness the powers of the Noaidi Drum and the Familiar Spirits to fight against a disorder spreading across the land!

[h1]Overview[/h1] Quality of life improvements, optimization and bug fixing. [h2]New:[/h2] [list] [*]New VFX that visualizes what object Áilu is currently targeting. [*]Drumming toggle setting => Choose whether drumming works by holding down the drum button, or whether it’s toggled on/off with the button. [/list] [h2]Changed:[/h2] [list] [*] Language and audio changes in settings menu are now immediate [*] Excluded some conversations from the Gossip & Drama achievement requirements [*] Adjusted sensitivity and acceleration settings [/list] [h2]Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Hide inner compass icons when Pause Menu is open [*] Landing animation no longer prevents Dashing [*] Enforce Dash working in some specific edge cases [*] Fix issue where opening the game sets all settings to defaults [*] Fix issue with specific case where player can’t jump while targeting [*] Allow walking and drumming at the same time when Grounded [/list] [h2]Optimizations:[/h2] [list] [*] Fix unnecessary hitch during first conversation by preparing a global text animation database ahead of time during initial loading [*] Optimize performance by getting rid of memory allocations caused by targeting system and Conversation system interplay while conversable NPCs exist in Scene [*] Optimize targeting system performance in general [/list]