Spirit World Rework and quality of life improvements

Skábma™ - Snowfall

The rhythm of nature is in danger! You are Áilu, a young Sámi whose ordinary reindeer herding day turns into an adventure. Learn the old ways of the Noaidis, Sámi Healers. Harness the powers of the Noaidi Drum and the Familiar Spirits to fight against a disorder spreading across the land!

[b][h2]New:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] Added more bleeders and path guides towards the end of the game [*] Added more landmarks at Forest [*] Added more puzzles [*] Game will now pause when controller is disconnected [*] Game will now pause when Steam Overlay is opened [/list] [b][h2]Changes:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] Major spirit world changes and improvements [*] Changed Save&Load menu button colors from red to yellow [*] In-game credit improvements [*] Minor UI changes [*] Cutscene polish [*] Changed horse sieidi inner color from red to purple [*] Tar Pit village assets repositioned [*] Moved some checkpoints in Mountain and Tar Pit [*] Repositioned main path vfx so that they will stop in front of Sarvvis Sieidi [*] Move one TarBlob in Ground Zero and one in Bárbmu [/list] [b][h2]Fixes:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] Fix Askovis being invisible in a cutscene [*] Remove duplicate examinable in Chapter 5 Lake [*] Fix Áilu’s cloth and look at IK problems in cutscenes [*] Multiple fixes to Forest area, such as floating trees, collider positions, examinable position, corridor cameras and obstructing visibility from Outlook to Forest [*] Prevent turrets hitting Áilu at the end of Saiva spirit world [*] Cancel grounding dive if we enter an air vortex [/list]