Patch Notes for 1.1.92

Skábma™ - Snowfall

The rhythm of nature is in danger! You are Áilu, a young Sámi whose ordinary reindeer herding day turns into an adventure. Learn the old ways of the Noaidis, Sámi Healers. Harness the powers of the Noaidi Drum and the Familiar Spirits to fight against a disorder spreading across the land!

[h1]Patch Notes for 1.1.92[/h1] [b]2022-12-13[/b] [h2]Overview[/h2] Multiple small fixes and quality of life improvements based on player feedback. Improved lighting, effects and guidance system! [h3]New:[/h3] [list] [*] Add Inner Compass (waypoint) system for better guidance. [*] Add Tutorials menu. [*] Add animation to Loading texts. [*] Add information about CPU and GPU costs to Graphics Settings. [*] Add interaction and looping idle sounds for certain new character. [*] Add missing Logos to Credits. [*] Add more platforms and bleeders to a late game area. [*] Add multiple names in Credits. [*] Add new Statistics in the Results screen at the end of the game. [*] Add new Tutorials and Tips. [*] Add new Visual Effects for select caves, angering a certain character and for drumming at one of the Sieidis. [*] Add new texts and UI visuals to the start and end of the game. [*] Add page count to collectibles. [*] Add setting for visibility and size of Subtitles. [*] Add setting to disable controller vibration. [*] Add setting to hide Gameplay UI [*] Add settings for Shadows and Shadow Resolution for the Drum Light. [*] Add special visuals/music to Title Screen after completing the game. [/list] [h3]Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Add new details and gameplay elements in emptier areas in some locations. [*] Adjust collectible notification UI animations. [*] Allow Shielding Aurora attacks. [*] Changes in Level Design for a late game area. [*] Improve Lighting and Effects in Gameplay and Cinematics. [*] Improve the Targeting system. [*] Major functionality and Level Design changes in the Fox Encounter. [*] Minor rendering setup optimization. [*] More reliable cloth behavior in Cinematics. [*] Remove "Delete" option on AutoSaves to allow faster access to earlier manual saves in Save/Load menus [*] Update ControlLayout. [*] Various changes to UI text wrapping and placement. [/list] [h3]Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fix Chapter Notification layout breaking on some languages. [*] Fix Cinematics sometimes desynchronizing Drumming audio from the music. [*] Fix Location Notifications repeating unintentionally in certain conditions. [*] Fix Notification SFX not playing during Cinematics. [*] Fix Reindeer calf to no longer launch Áilu into the stratosphere for a single frame when pet. [*] Fix Wind Pulses sometimes pushing the player even while Grounded. [*] Fix a certain Boss not leaving footprints. [*] Fix a reindeer at the start of the game sometimes starting to run before player sees it. [*] Fix clipping Rune placements. [*] Fix incorrect footstep sounds in a late-game area. [*] Fix incorrect text size in Loading tunnels in some languages. [*] Fix issues with Autosaves sometimes getting corrupted after Cinematics. [*] Fix issues with UI elements appearing too close to screen edges [*] Fix issues with a certain soundscapes not triggering in a late game area. [*] Fix issues with enemy pathfinding. [*] Fix issues with some controller icons showing incorrectly. [*] Fix issues with starting a new game after game completion. [*] Fix one Examine showing the wrong text. [*] Fix placement of some Task Completions. [*] Fix positioning for some Audio objects. [*] Fix possible error when shielding projectiles [*] Fix showing English translations for Location Notifications when playing in Northern Sámi [*] Fix size of the Map graphic. [*] Fix small visual issues in Menus. [*] Fix some Examine placements. [*] Fix some UI elements showing in incorrect places while playing in Super Widescreen. [*] Fix some rivers and small bodies of water unintentionally killing the player, and sometimes preventing player from jumping out of them. [*] Fix various small visual bugs during Cinematics and Interactions. [*] Fixes on character textures. [*] Make Grounding through Air Vortexes more reliable. [*] Setup fully dedicated font atlases for all Asian languages. Fixes cases where one language may have used a glyph rendition of another language due to font fallbacks. [*] Fix game freezing when going to Quit Confirmation and back in Title Menu [*] Fix certain Achievement not unlocking if playing across multiple devices [/list]