"Undead City" is a pulse-pounding first-person shooter set in a world devastated by a global pandemic. Humanity's last stand unfolds in this action-packed FPS where you must navigate a post-apocalyptic city swarming with zombies.
📣 Announcement: Upgrading to Unity 6! 📣
Hello Survivors!
We are excited to announce that Undead City is getting a significant upgrade. We are currently in the process of upgrading the game engine to Unity 6. This update will allow us to enhance performance, bring new features and improve visuals making Undead City even more immersive.
What does this mean for you?
As we transition to the new Unity version you may experience updates that improve gameplay, graphics, and stability. We are committed to making this process as smooth as possible and ensuring that the game continues to provide an enjoyable experience during early access.
We will keep you posted on our progress and will share more details on the specific improvements as they roll out. Thank you for being part of our community and stay tuned for more exciting updates.
Happy surviving.
The Undead City Team