Update v1.0.6.2361 notes

Trigon: Space Story

Trigon: Space Story sees you take command of your very own spaceship. Carry out tactical battles, defend your vessel against space pirates, and escape from enemy territory. On your voyages, you’ll face a slew of tricky decisions in your quest to uncover the mystery of the galaxy.

[h3]Features[/h3] [list] Enemy ships will send you surrender offers if they see no chance in winning the battle Upon entering the station, damaged ship systems are automatically repaired, fires are put out, breaches are repaired, and wounded units are healed. Active abilities recharge on day change. [/list] [h3]Balance[/h3] [list] The drop chance of phenomenal weapons depending on the wanted status has been changed from 60-90% to 10-50%. Phenomenal weapons cost increased by 50%. Loot from venators has been reduced For the four story chapters, there will be no neutron and giant stars (EMP and fires) in the starting sector. The first chapter of the story campaign (humans) has become longer - four sectors instead of three. The third chapter of the story campaign (rakkhi) has become shorter - five sectors instead of 7 seven. [/list]