Trigon: Space Story - ver.

Trigon: Space Story

Trigon: Space Story sees you take command of your very own spaceship. Carry out tactical battles, defend your vessel against space pirates, and escape from enemy territory. On your voyages, you’ll face a slew of tricky decisions in your quest to uncover the mystery of the galaxy.

[h1]🚀 Greetings captains![/h1] 🧡 I must admit it's hard to start writing after such a long break but rest assured that our silence is just because [b]we are working extremely focused on ensuring that Trigon: Space Story becomes better and bigger[/b]. 🌑 Now once we have passed through the eclipse corridor, as you might know, on October 25 there was a solar eclipse and on November 8 a lunar eclipse. 🏇 [b]Astrologers proclaim the week of to announcement about game updates and studio news.[/b] More teasers have arrived! We've prepared an overview tour of some of the new locations available in the update to mark the occasion! [previewyoutube=upcey_m8BYk;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]✨ What is new?[/h1] [b]This update expands the list of languages and introduces a stack of Quality-of-Life improvements, every single one of them inspired directly by Trigon community feedback, and on top of this adds more new content to explore. [/b] [b]And a big note of thanks to all the players - Trigon: Space Story reached stable very positive reviews on Steam after all previous updates and we are not gonna stop![/b] [b]All the feedback you are providing is of enormous help to allow the dev team to keep improving the game. [/b] Changes with the ‘🚀’ icon in front of them are changes or additions suggested by the community. As always, if you want to stay up to date on the game or give us feedback feel free to join the discord at [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/8f279667276d02f54dfdfe1a09fe6beb894fdef7.png[/img] [h1]🐞 Bugfixes[/h1] 🚀 [b]When the surrender of the enemy is refused by the player, the enemy interface disappears and he stops fighting.[/b] 🚀 [b]In a battle against two ships, after killing the first one, the game paused, which could not be unpaused.[/b] 🚀 [b]Blocker when loading a game session in which the player escaped the battle, leaving his unit on board the enemy.[/b] 🔹 [b]Sometimes projectile tails, when spawned in the enemy screen, are drawn for a second across all enemy space.[/b] 🔹 [b]When an enemy fires a laser, the beam from the gun comes out at an angle.[/b] 🔹 [b]When firing from a laser, the beam on the target ship path through the hull elements.[/b] 🚀 [b]When a player has several types of shells and the currently selected type runs out, they are not automatically loaded into the weapons.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/be44397b034af33e386d7c61970442ad803cfdc3.png[/img] [h1]📈 Optimization[/h1] 🚀 [b]Added MSAA, FXAA, SMAA options.[/b] Now you can choose from the list of options: Off, Default (by graphics preset), FXAA, SMAA, MSAA x2, MSAA x4, MSAA x8 🔹 [b]On 'Low' and 'Very low' graphics presets used a newly optimized camera which gives up to 10% performance boost. [/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/ab627fb9c7e56371f671a61dd69f17c1d788fb7a.png[/img] [h1]⚡️ Features[/h1] 🔹 [b]Updated statistics window.[/b] 🚀 [b]Make access to the encyclopedia from the menu in the game.[/b] Now it is easy to take a quick look at your unlocks, check your progression, and compare things. 🔹 [b]Add a pop-up to the "Continue" button in the main menu and in the menu in the game with information about what you are playing - difficulty, chapter, mode, etc.[/b] 🚀 [b]Give the ability to change the order of units in the Crew Management.[/b] Now you can manage your crew list, which might help you in tense battles to better read their status or faster group select to give an order. 🚀 [b]Skip cutscenes[/b] 🔹 [b]Improve the visual of Human spaceships explosions[/b] 🚀[b]Added alert for an enemy is going to use a teleporter with a countdown.[/b] Before it was only sound effects and animation, which could be hard to read on pause. 🔹 [b]Alerts filtered by importance with weight and colors.[/b] One of several upcoming steps about improves alerts for players. Will help to quickly read critical information in battle. 🔹 [b]Final fight the correct portraits of captains added.[/b] 🔹 [b]Player's ships section images will not overlap each other anymore.[/b] 🚀 [b]Remove the ability to throw the captain overboard which brings the game over.[/b] With tears in my eyes. It was not a bug, it was a feature. Press 'F' to pay respect. 🚀 [b]When a unit is selected, change the mouse cursor.[/b] 🚀 [b]Allow the player to close the ability selection window when leveling up without any choice. [/b] To give an opportunity to take one more look at the crew and their stats, and make a good strategic choice. 🚀 [b]In the trading station, with the 'shift' button pressed, show "x5" next to the price.[/b] 🚀[b] Improve the crosshair cursor, make it brighter, possibly larger.[/b] 🚀 [b]Unify popups for guns, drones, and shells - there should be the same number of lines, for ease of comparison.[/b] 🚀 [b]Add an effect to the stage about upgrading or buying a system or subsystem.[/b] 🚀 [b]Improved unit position saving feature. [/b] Now it shows arrows for a second in the places of these positions, as when giving a unit an order to move. 🚀 [b]On System/Subsystem popup added notification about passive ability by unit. [/b] Help to better understand and learn what kind of units and their abilities gives you benefits and when. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/14e592888998073d710508105d77a708803e9a43.png[/img] [h1]💬 Localization [/h1] 🚀 [b]Italian Language Added[/b] Nothing could be better than sharing your game with more players. We are happy to welcome Italian Captains! Benvenuto a bordo! [h1]🌌 New locations [/h1] 🚀 [b]20+ new locations added to explore[/b] Asteroid belts, Home planets for all races, Giant Stars, Black Holes, Nebulas, Pulsars, and Easter Eggs locations are added. Trigon is expanding just as the Universe does. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/7d10d1f444a07526be06f904250a0eb55509e409.png[/img] [h1]Minor but Major – Quality of Life changes[/h1] was known to be based in the middle of nowhere in Russia. And 2022 turned out to be the most difficult year in everyone's life for us. We worked hard and managed all the difficulties one after another. But there were more and more of them. [b]We've made a hard decision for ourselves and our families. And this update rightfully can be called a Quality of Life Update for us. [/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/4412e67c623783ff5efdd6e1f1af96b14eda70ee.jpg[/img] We opened Montenegro. [b]For now we have relocated most of our crew, and most importantly, all our spirit and desire to create a gaming experience for you.[/b] [h1]🎯 Our goals[/h1] 🔸 Now one of the priority tasks for us will be settling into a new place. Helping developers and families with all the basic needs to make sure nothing gets in the way of work and creativity. 🔸 Continue to expand and improve Trigon with new content, features, game session balance, and game mods. The visibility into our future games and updates roadmap is excellent and our ability to execute on that roadmap is stronger than ever before. 🔸 Improve our average steam reviews into Positive. Slowly but steadily it has a good trend and we will continue working hard to earn it. We believe in what we do and are happy to have so many players with us. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/1d5c9f5c7597558ab267ec79b6ef94de41dbf080.png[/img] [h1]🤝 How can you help?[/h1] 🤝[b]If you still have Trigon: Space Story only on your wishlist - ver. is available now on sale. There has never been a better time to explore Trigon Galaxy, Commander.[/b] 🤝[b]If you already have the game it is time to tell about Trigon to your friends to save 50% on the Steam Autumn sale.[/b] ⚠️[b]If you did not make a game review yet - please do it for us, this is really important.[/b]⚠️ [h1]💗 Thanks for reading![/h1] We are thrilled that you’re loving how the game changed, and for your incredible support to our team and families on Discord and here on Steam! We are so happy to be able transparent with you and be on the same page all the time. So once again, from the bottom of our hearts, a huge thank you from everyone here at for being part of this - we couldn’t do it without you! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/c445b26f513bd79e51fa39eb993aedc7ed0e8d67.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Make sure you're following Trigon on Twitter or join our Discord and tell us all about what is most needed on the next major update for you here or on discord. Until the next one, Commanders! Stay tuned! [/b] [b]Join Trigon: Space Story Discord:[/b] [b]Discuss Trigon: Space Story here:[/b] [b]Subscribe Devs Twitter:[/b] @SpaceTrigon