Update v1.0.4.2256 notes

Trigon: Space Story

Trigon: Space Story sees you take command of your very own spaceship. Carry out tactical battles, defend your vessel against space pirates, and escape from enemy territory. On your voyages, you’ll face a slew of tricky decisions in your quest to uncover the mystery of the galaxy.

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3] [list] Now all Steam achievements work! Fixed the energy from the Electric Engineer's ability could not power guns Fixed the part of the additional energy from the ability "Backup Power" was lost forever Fixed a bug causing endless loading because of a unit with the "Electric" ability in the cryo-chamber Fixed when the system was broken and then was stunned by EMP it continued to work somehow Fixed when the weapon system was damaged, the guns turned off in the wrong order, and when repaired back, they also turned on in the wrong order. Fixed when repairing a weapon system, it was impossible to turn off the guns until the system was completely repaired Fixed a bug due to which on the interface, when hovering over the jump button and on supplies, values are shown taking into account the consumption of dead units Fixed when the passive abilities of frozen units in cryo-chamber work Fixed when units in the Sandbox Mode menu did not have options for race, gender, etc. Fixed when units lose perk 2 in the Sandbox Mode menu Fixed when killing an enemy captain, enemy units were not captured Fixed when buying systems at space stations, they did not disappear from the list of available for purchase Fixed hotkeys did not work when hovering the mouse over a unit. For example, it was impossible to select a weapon with a hotkey. Fixed sometimes there was an incorrect redistribution of energy from the system to the reactor Fixed sometimes, after a dialogue, enemies in battle did not shoot [/list]