Trigon: Space Story - ver

Trigon: Space Story

Trigon: Space Story sees you take command of your very own spaceship. Carry out tactical battles, defend your vessel against space pirates, and escape from enemy territory. On your voyages, you’ll face a slew of tricky decisions in your quest to uncover the mystery of the galaxy.

[h1]🚀 Greetings captains![/h1] Before we get started today a [b]HUGE[/b] thank you from everyone here at for jumping in and trying [b]Trigon: Space Story[/b] - we have had an absolute blast watching your streams and tweets and Discord posts about your game experiences! For us as a team, Trigon was a debut release and definitely the most ambitious thing we’ve done to date and we’re thrilled with the reception! We’re currently working on patches that should fix most of the issues you have reported to us, along with some balance/gameplay changes. Please note that these are only some of the changes we’re working on, and we will provide a big roadmap for future updates after we fix common issues! Changes with the ‘🚀’ icon in front of them are changes or additions suggested by the community. As always, if you want to stay up to date on the game or give us feedback feel free to join the discord at [h2]🐞 Bug fixing[/h2] [b]Version[/b] 🚀 Now all Steam achievements work! 🚀 Fixed the energy from the Electric Engineer's ability could not power guns 🚀 Fixed the part of the additional energy from the ability "Backup Power" was lost forever 🚀 Fixed a bug causing endless loading because of a unit with the "Electric" ability in the cryo-chamber 🚀 Fixed when the system was broken and then was stunned by EMP it continued to work somehow 🚀 Fixed when the weapon system was damaged, the guns turned off in the wrong order, and when repaired back, they also turned on in the wrong order. 🚀 Fixed when repairing a weapon system, it was impossible to turn off the guns until the system was completely repaired 🚀 Fixed a bug due to which on the interface, when hovering over the jump button and on supplies, values are shown taking into account the consumption of dead units 🚀 Fixed when the passive abilities of frozen units in cryo-chamber work 🚀 Fixed when units in the Sandbox Mode menu did not have options for race, gender, etc. 🚀 Fixed when units lose perk 2 in the Sandbox Mode menu 🚀 Fixed when killing an enemy captain, enemy units were not captured 🚀 Fixed when buying systems at space stations, they did not disappear from the list of available for purchase 🚀 Fixed hotkeys did not work when hovering the mouse over a unit. For example, it was impossible to select a weapon with a hotkey. Fixed sometimes there was an incorrect redistribution of energy from the system to the reactor 🚀 Fixed sometimes, after a dialogue, enemies in battle did not shoot [h2]🌈 What next?[/h2] We have a lot more tasks about bug fixing and the quality of live updates. We were carefully watching and reading all your messages with questions, reports, feedback, and suggestions here and on the Discord channel - so now our main priority is to work on this. I would like to highlight some of them as a major with high priority for us: 🔹 Game difficulty - we would love to save hardcore gameplay for audience who love this and add a new Easy mode for players who would like to try the game this way first. 🔹 Balance - you help us to see how we can improve the game experience and we would love to make it happen with you and for you 🔹 Save files - still keeping an eye on it 🔹 Teleport and stealth mechanics - we were so impressed how many actions players can do with this, we will try to make it more fun for all players 🔹 GPU usage and v-sync, fps unlocked, and other performance And of course, some of us already working on something new for Trigon and we are very excited about it. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/7d4e61237e4232fed97c2848483fd1bec7a2424f.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/d8a8aa0123c944ec26bf3428cd2b1ddbb54e2446.png[/img] [h2]🎯 Our goals[/h2] We are happy to see so many players and such a wonderful game community here and we still believe the best we can do is to be transparent with you as devs. 🔸 We are going to update the game with bug fixes till we will have the most super-polished game possible. 🔸 We are going to make the game better for beginners - we have a lot of reports and bad reviews based on game difficulty. We will add Easy Mode optional saving opportunity to play HARD for the hardcore audience. 🔸 We will try our best to have Mostly Positive on Steam - this is our goal right now, cause it is really important to Steam Algorithm. 🔸 And we will be happy to work on future game updates with a lot of new content and features for you. [h2]🤝 How can you help?[/h2] If you would like to help us - please check this update and Steam Achievements. If you did not make a game review yet - please do it for us, this is really important. And if you would like to have a chat with us - join our Discord channel [h2]💗 Thanks for reading![/h2] Again, I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you - it's been an amazing experience launching Trigon: Space Story and we're truly grateful to have such a passionate fanbase! Please keep the feedback and bug reports coming - we’re watching and listening!