Trigon: Space Story - Progress Report 7

Trigon: Space Story

Trigon: Space Story sees you take command of your very own spaceship. Carry out tactical battles, defend your vessel against space pirates, and escape from enemy territory. On your voyages, you’ll face a slew of tricky decisions in your quest to uncover the mystery of the galaxy.

[h1]Greetings, Captains![/h1] Looks like [b]we made the game[/b]! A [b]huge report[/b] on everything new that we have done in these 3 months. I hope you will be able to read it all. And we hid [b]one CBT key in it here[/b]. If you want to take part in testing but were late to pick up the key here, don't worry. [url=]Join our discord channel[/url], leave a request in a special form and we will contact you. All details will be posted there. 💗 [b]Thank you[/b] We are infinitely grateful to life for the fact that we have the opportunity to share our passion and love for working on the game with you. There are already more than [b]60'000 of you[/b] - this should be a dream. Thank you to each of you who are interested in the game and took the time to try playing the DEMO. Thanks to you and your feedback, we learn and become better, find strength in moments when it is especially difficult, and understand that there is nothing more valuable for the game than players. [code][b] We are players ourselves and together we are making a game for players as we are with you.[/b][/code] ⚡⚡⚡ [b]Gameplay trailer[/b] ⚡⚡⚡ [b]We are super excited to share our brand-new gameplay trailer. Please take a look. [/b] [previewyoutube=h6Uh14y-goA;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]🌐Galaxy Map UI\UX[/h2] [b]We have remastered galaxy map UI\UX. [/b]Galaxy systems nav points have been changed, their scaling and click areas have been improved. Since there can be several features in one system that are important for the player, we have introduced a priority system. Now the icon provides the most important information about the system first. And comprehensive information can be obtained in the system popup. This makes player easier to use the map and make strategic decisions about moving around the galaxy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/f126f3fdc6c75e7e56a840f7b26410b183b60cff.gif[/img] [i]Before|After - Event types are separated by colors and icons, gatekeepers and Venators patrols are always in sight, like all other threats. [/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/3dacde8d406e42626ffc3715bcbdfdc036eb32a7.png[/img] [h2]🛰Space Station UI\UX[/h2] [b]Our special pride is how we updated the space station screen.[/b] We have not just changed the design, we have essentially remade it. Now everything is available on one screen and is divided into tabs with a common "basket". All purchases and sales fall into the intermediate basket and it is very easy to manage it by adding and removing items. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/db317dafc93e15bc9ac08cf3c4a41cd53740d788.gif[/img] 🔹[i]Added the ability to see installed weapons and drones, as well as select one of them and compare its characteristics with the assortment at the station 4MJN4[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/ae634d0b6c26a73de9237d5a5b87511649a672f0.gif[/img] 🔹[i]Added the ability to fast sell and buy items with the quantity [/i] 🔹Operations can be performed by click or drag&drop, as well as with hotkeys 🔹Updated all popups, added new icons, etc. [h2]🚀Spaceship management screen[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/f5634d5255e39f135b09179ff59c914e5bc6cfba.png[/img] 🔹[i]Updated design, removed all unnecessary and made pop-ups for all menu items so that you can quickly figure out which ship and crew are under your command, commander[/i] [h2]🏆Chapter selection screen[/h2] 🔹[b]Added campaign and chapter selection screen.[/b] Story campaigns are displayed here, as well as rewards for completing them. Completing the chapter opens the next one, a new ship and a new captain. Subsequently, you can go through each chapter with any of the ships and captains available to you. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/a2ba924031e279580f20afa63e33a9e203a8aa42.png[/img] 🔹[i]For those of you who love real difficulty, like us, you can select the Hard Mode here. Well, for players who set themselves crazy challenges we[b] added Ironman mode - Game without active pause.[/b][/i] [h2]🚀Hangar screen [/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/2a142e6f6b717792f60db4ddca2d31679ad1797a.png[/img] 🔹[i]Updated spaceship selection screen with a new design.[/i] [h2]⚠️In-game Alarms[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/0e97d689ecb79a546d9bb44e98548aaeb6ec94dc.gif[/img] 🔹We have [b]added notifications to the player about AI actions[/b]. Now, if the AI used an active ability in battle, the player will be shown an alarm with a description and a countdown while the ability is active. 🔹[b]Added a notification that the enemy is about to escape the battle[/b]. The message is also with a countdown. The player has the ability to stop the AI from escaping by damaging the AI's hyperdrive system or the captain's bridge. [h2]💬Dialogues and Rewards[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/8f506e78e1e62168d9225e3ab6fb543f73cfcc99.png[/img] 🔹[i]Now you can easily distinguish your replicas from the narrative and enemy ones.[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/89dd05218f06661550a0c7d75cd57a641f3c458e.png[/img] 🔹[i]Updated Rewards Message - show the battle or quest results[/i] [h2]🔻Unit's bonuses displayed [/h2] 🔹Now that a ship's crew is often critical, it's important to show bonuses to the ship's systems that units provide. A unit can give either a bonus to stats, such as weapons reloading speed, or an additional system level or additional energy for the system. All this is now shown at the player interface. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/683cd68e5f0c0c63b03939fb86faa52d21b9ce7f.gif[/img] 🔹[i]Unit level up effect added.[/i] 🔹New active abilities often require certain conditions to use, such as being in a certain compartment. Now the player can read all the conditions in the pop-up, see the hint on the game scene. [h2]📋New tutorial[/h2] 🔹Since the last version of the tutorial, almost everything has changed in the game and many new mechanics have appeared. [b]We made a new one[/b], adding the moments that caused the most questions to it. [b]We also made it optional with the ability to skip or repeat at any time.[/b] But even in the new extended version of the tutorial, it is impossible to show and tell about everything. So we asked our players, "What tips would you like to give newbies?" and received an exhaustive list of knowledge. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/cd991eafcccb08abcb1e8fbe96d393eb1113802d.png[/img] 🔹[i]We've added tips to the loading screen with short facts about the mechanics of the game.[/i] [h2]🌌New locations and animatons[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/1a49cd21b542056e1b30ace1cd25264b84399d23.png[/img] 🔹[i]We've added a few new story locations to highlight the story-driven events of the campaign. [/i] 🔹We have also added several new animations for story events in the game. Most of them relate to the endings of the campaign. In the end, we have prepared probably the most obvious easter egg in the game ever, we hope you will enjoy it. [h2]🚀Spaceships available to the player[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/ec814b7f2ead19f1b70490f8c290687d6e9bda5e.png[/img] 🔹[i][b]Now 8 ships are available for the player in the game.[/b] You can open them by going through the campaign and getting some achievements in the game. [/i] [h2]👩🏾‍🚀Units Rename[/h2] 🔹[b]Now you can change the names of your crew members.[/b] This could provide new feelings of empathy or funny moments during the game. [h2]💥Grenades with timer[/h2] During playtesting, we found out that the abilities Blasting Charge and Flashbang were used by the AI when boarding the player's ship instantly. What sometimes looked quite cruel - teleporting on players ship with strong explosion and stun of your units. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/0d841cfd7889fb42ad41173146ff7da6c5492aef.gif[/img] 🔹[i]Now these grenades have a timer and the player has the opportunity to run away.[/i] [h2]🦅Units Morale System[/h2] [b]The unit morale system has been reworked[/b]. It now has three states: Overwhelmed, Neutral, and Encouraged. If nothing happens, unit morale strives to be Neutral. Events like killing an enemy unit, a ship, and certain quest outcomes make units Encouraged. Losing one of your units, running away from combat, and certain quest outcomes makes them Overwhelmed. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/57709f82fec8bfdcfc988db6f59f7d421a4e969e.png[/img] 🔹[i]Your crew members can get a buff or a debuff to their characteristics, depending on morale.[/i] [h2]📡Sensors subsystem[/h2] [b]Thanks to CBT players, it became clear that knowing where the nearest space station is - extremely important.[/b] Now sensors subsystem upgrades working like that: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/46a3a0770e7021e2f8bb61839b216a8fba990be0.gif[/img] 🔹Without sensors on a spaceship - you can see only those places where the player's units are standing. 🔹Sensors 1 lvl - you can see everything on the player's ship. 🔹Sensors 2 lvl - you can see everything on the player's ship and on the enemy, as well as the levels of the systems of his ship and their current state. PYTRY 🔹Sensors 3 lvl - show on the galaxy map the nearest space station in the sector where you are. [h2]💨O2 System -> 🍔Life Support System[/h2] [b]Oxygen system on a spaceship is one of the most important systems.[/b] Units of different races consume different amounts of oxygen: Rakhis need more, Taerticons do not need it at all. [b]For a long time, we could not find motivation for the player to level it up.[/b] After all, even if the units in one compartment consume more than O2 receive, it is possible to open the floodgates and compensate for the shortage from neighboring compartments. 🔹[b]But then we realized that the oxygen system would also generate a small amount of food.[/b] And everything fell into place. [b]Now we call it Life Support System and also gives +2 / +4 / +6 food per day [/b]and allows you to autonomously maintain several crew members on the ship. [h2]🤖Drones launchers[/h2] 🔹We have simplified drone launchers for the player. Removed the target designation on which ship you need to use them. [b]Defense drones immediately fly out to protect the player's ship. And the attacking drones immediately fly to the enemy ship in the foreground.[/b] [h2]⚔️EASY | HARD[/h2] We are happy to realize that Trigon provides an unusual gaming experience. [b]The main element of progression here - is the player himself[/b] and his knowledge and ability to apply them. It is not so important here which ship you are flying on and how many items you have unlocked, you do not need to memorize timings or some key combinations. [b]This is a hardcore roguelike strategy where you learn to make the right strategic decisions[/b], which, as submarine captains say, increase the survivability of the ship in various emergency situations. At first, the game seems difficult and impassable, and after a certain amount of time you go through it over and over again. Because you learned to follow what is happening and make the right strategic decisions in time, both in battle and during preparation for it. 🔹We saw a large number of players for whom this difficulty threshold was too high. [b]The EASY difficulty mode has now been added to the game, in which:[/b] [list] [*] less wanted lvl growth [*] less cost of upgrades [*] less repair cost at the station [*] more resources received [*] the cost of selling items at the station is equal to the cost of buying [*] unit level up faster [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/5e5aef46d66376dede49a2b506400698b4927080.png[/img] [b]We would be happy if this serves as the first step for players to try to complete the game on our intended difficulty, which is now Hard.[/b] [h2]🖥PC, Mac, Linux [/h2] 🔹[b]We are pleased to announce that Trigon will be available on these platforms.[/b] [h2]📺Screen resolutions support[/h2] 🔹[b]The game now will display correctly in 16:9 and 16:10. [/b]Sorry, there will be no ultra-widescreen resolutions like 21:9 or 32:9, it cost us too much time and money to make it great. Let's hope the game will find a lot of players and we will be able to work on that as a future update. [h2]📈Optimization[/h2] [b]We also worked on optimizing the game.[/b] 🔹We reworked the loading system and divided it into different streams, getting rid of game freezes during the arrival of an enemy ship. 🔹Optimized textures, geometry, particles of all ships 🔹Optimized all locations 🔹Optimized work with sound 🔹Optimized fonts All these give us a good performance boost. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/1eaab9556ba5b0907f607ab40d9b5c84366056b2.png[/img] Here we can see the game launched on i5, GTX1660, DDR 16Gb. [b]Before optimization it shows 74,8 FPS. After 118,1 FPS and a much more stable and smooth picture. WJH4K [/b] 🔹Added the ability to unlock fps, as well as vertical synchronization. [h2]📢Localization at 11 languages[/h2] 🔹[b]We now have 11 languages support. German, French, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Mexican Spanish, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese. [/b] [h2]🏁New Game modes[/h2] 🔹[b]We have added new game modes.[/b] Going through a story campaign with a repetitive main quest, even taking into account the variability and generation of everything else, can get boring. And it's nice to fight in the vastness of the galaxy even without it. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/2e4d9c54368769d6448f15cbf79d49b1fe365549.png[/img] [b]For those who want to play and not read a lot of story texts - Free mode. Your task is to destroy 10 gatekeepers. How you will do it is up to you.[/b] 🔹[b]We made even more - sandbox mode.[/b] And have some reasons for that. We played a lot of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 as a child and we never went through the campaign, because at that age we were quite bored reading these texts and it was difficult to play it. That's why we played scenarios all the time, where you just choose a map and a hero, and the task was to defeat everyone. And the second reason, we know that no matter how sophisticated we come up with ship configurations and achievements, thousands of players, given the opportunity, will make it much more interesting. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/6e58f0046213262a268f4407a9bb570a4363e552.png[/img] [b]In this mode, you can choose absolutely everything that you have unlocked in other modes[/b] (during the test, everything will be unlocked for everyone). The ship, captain, systems, reactor level, weapons, crew, items, etc. [b]Any configuration you can think of. Experiment.[/b] [h1]Thanks for reading![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/88e25c0c26d50f08719658c9dd9cb9c615103f47.png[/img] We have a huge number of features, ideas and desire to work on the game further. But we made the decision from now on to focus on polishing and optimizing what we've done so far. Thank you for following us all this time. I hope we will have the opportunity to develop Trigon after launch and make it bigger and deeper as strategy game. It gives me goosebumps to think about how many great ideas we will hear when the game will be available. [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38789852/c445b26f513bd79e51fa39eb993aedc7ed0e8d67.jpg[/img][/url] Please feel free to jump to our discord channel, submit to Closed Beta Test, join a closed group and take your limited part in the developing process with us. Thank you! [b]Exciting times ahead, Commanders. Stay tuned for even more good news soon! =)[/b] [b]Join Trigon: Space Story Discord:[/b] [url=][/url] [b]Discuss Trigon: Space Story here:[/b] [url=][/url]