Update: v0.1.8.1

Passion Eye

Create your own character and unleash your creativity! Create the girl, or boy, of your dreams and engage in a heart pounding story of vice, or pose your characters in interesting scenarios using the included Studio mode!

[b][h1]Changelog[/h1][/b] [b][h2]Game[/h2][/b] [h3][b]New[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Added backwards compatibility implementation for dataobjects, allowing characters, scenes, etc. to remain compatible with newer versions of the game [*] Added bloom, vignette, antialiasing, ambient occlusion effects and configuration [*] Added camera presets in the studio that are saved into the scene and hold field of view, view distance, position and rotation of the camera [*] Added character creator presets for settings like the background, pose, expression etc. Changing the default preset will apply it upon booting the creator [*] Added copy/pasting of various character settings in the studio [*] Added copy/pasting to material customizer [*] Added face and body overlay categories to the character creator [*] Added keybind (F) to focus camera at selected object in the character creator [*] Added keybind setting for camera resetting [*] Added launch options --start-studio and --start-maker to start the game directly into the specified mode (suggested by the community) [*] Added mods hot reloading (suggested by the community) [*] Added object name in material customizer to help differentiate material sources [*] Added pause screen when opening the Steam overlay, unplugging a game controller or pausing manually via the pause keybind [*] Added skinned accessories support [*] Added skybox background (panoramic, 6 sided) support to the character creator and the studio with options for intensity and rotation [*] Added steamworks integration to pause the game when opening the Steam overlay [*] Added studio object blendshape editing (suggested by the community) [*] Added studio room objects set mod [*] Added texture quality graphics setting [*] Added toon outline to shaders [/list] [h3][b]Updates[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Improved background image and music managers allowing you to pick bgms and holding multiple custom images/bgms in cache [*] Improved some UI elements visual consistency [*] Removed some unused settings to clean up space [*] Studio objects parented to a body part of a character will now follow rotation as well [*] Switched to using hardware cursor implementation (suggested by the community) [*] Various performance improvements [*] Rewrote shaders from the ground up for lighter memory footprint and faster rendering [/list] [h3][b]Fixes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Gizmo and studio object / ik targets no longer are rendered into screenshots [*] Performance panel RAM counter now displays the correct memory usage (reported by the community) [*] Starting the game with an unsupported or too big resolution in settings now correctly resets to the largest available resolution (reported by the community) [*] Trying to load a corrupt or incompatible dataobject no longer hard locks the game [*] Various bugfixes [/list] [h3][b]Known issues[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Skybox image might render white. We are currently investigating why it happens. [*] Notifications boxes will appear, complaining about mods being updated and that can bring compatibility issues. Do not worry about that, it's a bug that will be patched in the close future. [/list] [h2][b]Mod Creator[/b][/h2] [h3][b]New[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Added face and body overlay texture types [/list] [h3][b]Updates[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Saving a mod with the same filename now overwrites it instead of creating numbered copies (suggested by the community) [*] Current mod creator version is now appended to the window name [/list]