Update: v0.1.12.0

Passion Eye

Create your own character and unleash your creativity! Create the girl, or boy, of your dreams and engage in a heart pounding story of vice, or pose your characters in interesting scenarios using the included Studio mode!

[b][h1]Changelog[/h1][/b] [h2][b]Game[/b][/h2] [h3]πŸš€ Features[/h3] [list] [*] [b](Debug)[/b] Added developer mode setting to show modded object GUIDs in tooltips [*] [b](UI)[/b] Added Mod labels to unofficial modded content icons [*] [b](Character)[/b] Added Breast physics [*] [b](Eyes Customization)[/b] Added more eye textures [*] [b](Eyes Customization)[/b] Added highlight textures support [*] [b](Studio)[/b] Added customizable Text object [*] [b](Mods)[/b] Added setting to allow loading mods that include custom code (disabled by default) [*] [b](Maker)[/b] Added blendshape slider presets (currently only eyelids) [*] [b](Character)[/b] Added face blush as overlays support [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] [b](Character)[/b] Adjusted some blendshape slider limits to increase customization ability [*] [b](Character)[/b] Loading a character card now loads blendshapes in the Body, not Profile stage (suggested by the community) [*] [b](Studio)[/b] Adding characters now assigns their name to the workspace item title [*] [b](Mods)[/b] Improved mods reloading speed by multithreading hashing [/list] [h3]πŸ› Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] [b](UI)[/b] Color panel slider handles no longer disappear on small resolutions from being too thin (reported by the community) [*] [b](Eyes Customization)[/b] Fixed exception preventing switching eye parts correctly in the UI (reported by the community) [*] [b](Eyes Customization)[/b] Resolved rare cases where mirroring an eye in the UI would do so incorrectly [*] [b](Accessories)[/b] Resolved cases where some accessories would not get assigned properly (reported by the community) [*] [b](UI)[/b] Fixed being able to scroll outside of a dropdown while it is open (reported by the community) [*] [b](Studio)[/b] Newly saved studio scenes now reference existing backgrounds/skyboxes/bgms when possible (reported by the community) [*] [b](Maker)[/b] Picking custom background or skybox no longer resets the other setting [*] [b](Maker)[/b] Hide transform controls for physics simulated objects that don't support it (reported by the community) [/list] [h2][b]Mod Creator v0.1.5.0[/b][/h2] [h3]πŸš€ Features[/h3] [list] [*] Added mod building progress bar [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Split up the mod building process into parts with more meaningful messages when issues happen [/list] [h3]πŸ› Bug Fixes [/h3] [list] [*] Various bug fixes and build-check suggestions to the modding tools (reported by the community) [*] Fixes to serialization of some objects [/list]