Update: v0.1.10.0

Passion Eye

Create your own character and unleash your creativity! Create the girl, or boy, of your dreams and engage in a heart pounding story of vice, or pose your characters in interesting scenarios using the included Studio mode!

[b][h1]Changelog[/h1][/b] [h2][b]New[/b][/h2] [h3]πŸš€ Features[/h3] [list] [*] [b](UI)[/b] Added Hide UI Shortcut (Space by default) [*] [b](Settings)[/b] Added camera sensitivity settings for mouse, keyboard and controller [*] [b](FK)[/b] Implemented forward kinematics for characters and studio objects [/list] [h3]πŸ› Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] [b](Overlays)[/b] Overlays no longer turn black when multiple of them are applied at once on the same target [*] [b](Character)[/b] Eyes and eyebrows no longer disappear when viewed from certain angles [*] [b](UI)[/b] Export texture buttons are no longer clickable when there is no texture set [*] [b](UI)[/b] Hidden some shape sliders depending on characters gender and futa usage [*] [b](UI)[/b] Clothing pants category is no longer hidden on female characters [/list]