Update: v0.1.7.0

Passion Eye

Create your own character and unleash your creativity! Create the girl, or boy, of your dreams and engage in a heart pounding story of vice, or pose your characters in interesting scenarios using the included Studio mode!

[b]Changelog[/b] New [list] [*] Added keybind (defaults to Delete) to remove the selected object in the character creator [*] Added keybind (defaults to E) to edit the selected object in the character creator [*] Added keybind (defaults to Alt) to append objects of the same type in the character creator [*] Added color, texture and transform operations to the object editing panel in the character creator [*] Added lazyloading to dataobjects, drastically improving performance if you have many cards or cards containing heavy textures. [*] Added version information to dataobjects containing modded objects [*] Added a render queue dropdown to the material customizer [*] Added body and face texture mods support [*] Added overlay texture mods support (currently, only full texture mods) [*] Added exporting textures button to the material customizer [*] Added two more hair sets [*] Added a global UI animation speed setting [/list] Updates [list] [*] Localization improvements [*] Moved accessory controls to the object editing panel in the character creator [*] Hair objects are now movable like accessories [*] Performance optimizations [*] Adjusted load options for characters in the character creator [*] Gizmo rendering improvements [*] Studio objects copy pasted without a root parent now are placed as the last sibling [*] Updated the looks of various clothing, accessories, hair and character materials [*] Improved look of face rendering in low light conditions [*] Replaced camera clip settings with a view distance slider in the studio [/list] Fixes [list] [*] The confirmation panel no longer opens multiple instances of itself in rare cases [*] Studio keybinds are no longer active when opening the character creator interface inside it [*] Character expressions and mouth opening now correctly update and save in the studio [*] Character clothing and accessory UI now remains in sync in the studio [*] Modified materials saved to an object with a parent of the same name now are correctly applied [*] The gizmo now correctly responds to interactions when being blocked by a studio objects target [*] Input fields now correctly respect the current OS culture settings [*] Some objects are no longer invisible when turning down the model detail graphics setting [*] Saving dataobjects now suggests the correct file extension [/list]