Update to v1.4.7 for new font customization and assets navigator


BASIC8 is an integrated Fantasy Computer for game and other program development. You can create, share and play disks in a modern BASIC dialect, with built-in tools for editing sprite, tiles, map, quantized, etc.

Language: [list] [*]Fixed a multiple disposing bug with lambda [*]Fixed a crash bug with incomplete structures [*]Fixed a crash bug with unused coroutine [/list] Libraries: [list] [*]Added a [b]FONT[/b] function to customize font face with quantized image for the [b]TEXT[/b] function [*]Added a [b]POLL[/b] function to poll network events manually [*]Fixed a return value overwriting bug with network callback [*]Fixed a real number formatting bug with different locales [*]Fixed a potential crash bug with network callback [*]Fixed a random seeding issue [/list] Editor: [list] [*]Added an assets navigation tab, by pressing Ctrl+Tab [*]Added shortcut GUI elements to create new disks [*]Fixed a number clamp issue with the ranged slider controls [*]Fixed a wrong context menu appearance bug by right mouse click [/list] Player: [list] [*]Added an option to disable pause on focus lost [/list]