Update Time (Finally!); Save System Refactor and Match Statistics!

Zeta Leporis RTS

A sci-fi real-time strategy game. An existential war among asteroids in classic RTS style. Build and defend, produce and upgrade, attack and annihilate!

[b]Zeta Leporis RTS updated to v.[/b] [i]Note: This update breaks save file compatibility.[/i] The first post-launch update for Zeta Leporis RTS has finally landed, with a rebuilt save system (which looks no different from the outside) and end-of-match statistics, as well as a smattering of other additions and bugfixes. [b]Changelog:[/b] -Lengthened and made changes to the background music track "Machines Among Asteroids". -Implemented match statistics which are displayed at match end. -Fixed duplicate Steam screenshots being taken when pressing F12. -Refactored save system and fixed issues with incorrect sprites being displayed when loading files saved in previous versions. -Selected mechbots that are assigned to a construction project are now properly deselected when 'I' is pressed to select all inactive mechbots. -Pressing CTRL+X with destroyed units selected no longer incorrectly decrements unit count. -Fixed issue preventing AI from building frigate shipyards in tech level 3. Now they might, though they still can opt for more fighter or mech shipyards instead. -Fixed a potentially crash-causing bug interfering with the AI's ability to finish constructing unfinished buildings. -Fixed a bug causing mech shipyards to mess up the shipping lists. -Improved shipping code to be more efficient. -Improved the appearance of the mech and fighter shipyards. -Decreased the map sizes in match presets and adjusted preset resource availability. -Class C resource collector upgrades, and the Science Research Facility, are now not available until one tech level higher. -Rebalanced ship stats: increased frigate ore cost and missile ship fuel cost, frigate HP increased, shield HP increased for smaller capital ships and reduced for larger capital ships. -Animated and improved visibility of mechbots. -Mechbots now always properly face their construction projects. -Added slot numbers to empty spawn locations on the map preview in the single player menu. -Fixed a crash caused by AI mechbots failing to locate a new construction project. -GUI no longer becomes uninteractable if a selected mechbot is destroyed while placing a construction project. -Added mechbot VO. -Fixed crash that occured when pressing options menu arrow buttons.