Hello hello,
Patch 1.0.3 is now live! Below you will find a list of all the changes for the current version.
[h2]UPDATE 1.0.3 PATCH NOTES[/h2]
[*] Added attack indicators to enemies. Enemies now telegraph their attacks and give players time to either dodge or jump out of the way.
[*] Fixed a bug where Dominion minions were not respawning if they were too far from your crawler
[*] Slightly rebalanced enemies and reduced their movement speed to make them easier to handle in the early depths
[*] Fixed an issue where shields could not be equipped
[*] Fixed a glitch that duplicated item stat rolls to items you were currently wearing. Dropped items do not affect the rolls on worn items anymore.
[*] Enemies no longer deal random damage to you and you only take damage when you are hit by a weapon swing, projectile, or if an enemy headbutts you.
[*] Arcane shrines are no longer activated if you are equipped dropped items close to shrines
[*] The spawning circle does not activate if you are extracting items within the spawning area
[*] Wagering Shrine sound effects fixed to better represent whether you received an item or nothing dropped
[*] Wagering Shrine drop rates have been rebalanced to be more rewarding
[*] Arcane Shrine spawn chance has been slightly increased
[*] Glyphs, domination runes, cosmetics, and artifacts are no longer picked up if you are not actively looking at their tooltip
[*] Temporarily removed the lava room as it was causing too many issues with Khorgos and it could potentially brick a crawl if the enemy you were attacking would jump in the lava.
Thanks again for all your feedback and bug reports and continued support! If you haven't done so, please join our [url=https://discord.gg/tm73je8kWn]Discord Channel[/url] if you need help with anything or would like to give feedback or suggestions!