Hello hello!
Patch 1.1.1 is now live! Below you will find a list of all the changes for the current version.
[h3]UPDATE 1.1.1 PATCH NOTES[/h3]
[*] Reduced the jump cooldown from 1 second to 0.5 seconds
[*] Items can be extracted over the spawner without activating it... for real for real...
[*] Added an icon and text value for domination runes so players know if they have runes to spend
[*] Fixed PS5 and XBox 360 controllers not being recognized
[*] Fixed a bug that caused crawlers to be yeeted out of rooms
[*] If you still manage to be catapulted outside a room somehow, the room will come to your rescue <3
[*] Fixed a bug that caused crawlers to get stuck in walls or through the floor
[*] Fixed a bug that stopped crawler from shooting projectiles
[*] Fixed an issue that caused enemies to take inconsistent amounts of force, making them ping-pong around rooms at neck-break speeds, breaking your neck if you were hit by a goblin fighter jet
[*] Crawler level icon and text moved to the inventory as it was being confused with depth level
[*] Fixed a bug that stopped multiplayer matches from being completed as intended
[*] Fixed a bug that caused enemies to stop moving after being chilled
[*] Fixed Occultist auras freezing enemies in place instead of slowing them down
[*] Reduced the sound effect volume of ignite, chill, and poison effects
[*] Reduced sound effect volume of Trickster passives now
[*] Fixed an issue that caused enemies to drop items twice... sorry...
[*] Reduced the drop chance of cosmetics from Khorgos as it was an easy and reliable way to farm cosmetics
Thank you to everyone who has reported bugs and given suggestions, I really appreciate the time and effort taken and thank you to everyone who has played Knight Crawlers!