Hello peeps,
While working towards patch 1.0.5 I ended up making a lot of changes, bug fixes, and additions to Knight Crawlers and thought this patch deserved to be upgraded to 1.1.0! Below you will find the changelog:
[h2][b]UPDATE 1.1.0 PATCH NOTES[/b][/h2]
[h3][b]General Changes and Fixes[/b][/h3]
[*] [b]Domination Runes now drop as intended![/b] You can find up to five domination runes scattered throughout the Ancient Realms.
[*] Creating a new character now works as intended and all progress is properly reset. This will override your save file, but [b]all your cosmetics will be carried over between saves.[/b] I intend to add more save slots in the future so you can have multiple characters.
[*] Game mode selection screen now appears as intended when creating a new character.
[*] [b]Glyphs can now be extracted for essence[/b]. You can't sell them at the Blacksmith yet, but this mechanic will be implemented in v1.1.1.
[*] When going to a new room, [b]all items left on the floor are automatically extracted[/b]. Don't be scared when you are chased by a thousand essences!
[*] The spawner has had a visual overhaul so as to not have it be confused with corpse explosions. The size of the spawner has also been increased.
[*] The shadow the spawner casts has had its opacity reduced so you can see the traps underneath it more clearly.
[*] Fixed a visual issue that made your crawler's arms shake uncontrollably as if he were real cold.
[*] Slightly rebalanced Earthquack to compensate for the insane damage output of the Spell Slingers out there. This only affects people who have specced into tiers 2 and above of the Spell Slinger tree.
[*] Corpse explosions should not be going off and floating in the air.
[*] [b]The depth 100 chest now appears as it always should have.[/b]
[*] Base movement speed has been increased by 20% and base health has been increased from 300 to 400 to make the early game easier.
[*] Critical Strike Chance now updates and displays as intended in your UI.
[*] Defence scaling has been increased to feel more impactful.
[*] Shrine effects are now [b]disabled[/b] if you travel to the Terror's Chamber.
[*] Fixed an issue with Crawler Duties regressing instead of progressing after defeating the First Terror.
[*] Attack speed slightly rebalanced for the end game as it was very easy to fire off 50 projectiles a second.
[*] Projectiles stored in memory during a crawl has now doubled, essentially doubling the projectiles per second you can shoot if heavily investing into attack speed.
[*] Projectiles properly update when picking up a different ranged weapon type instead of only updating after starting a new crawl.
[*] Fixed a visual bug that caused essences to spawn downwards instead of upwards.
[*] Fixed a bug that stopped Khorgos from attacking.
[*] Added a visual message when looting the Domination Runes and the Ancient Artifact.
[*] Fixed a collider that was awkwardly close to Earthquack that shouldn't have been there.
[h3][b]Dominions Rework[/b][/h3]
[*] Friendly Imp now gives you [b]3 minions instead of 1.[/b]
[*] Minion damage and attack speed has been [b]significantly buffed.[/b]
[*] [b]Scent of Blood[/b] - Now triggers at 35% health instead of 25%
[*] Dash's distance has been increased to make dodging enemy attacks easier
[*] [b]Intuition[/b] - Now deals more damage when landing on enemies.
[*] [b]Impact[/b] - Dashing now fires [b]35 projectiles instead of 15[/b].
[*] [b]Malediction[/b] - Damage has been [b]increased from 50% weapon damage to 125%[/b].
[*] [b]Terrify[/b] - Significantly increased the size of the aura's area of effect.
[*] [b]Intensify[/b] - Now also increases your Occultist aura damage from [b]125% weapon damage to 175%[/b] while also increasing your crawler damage by 25%
[b]Spell Slinger[/b]
[*] Reworked off-hand ranged weapons that can be used with Unstoppable
[*] Once Unstoppable is allocated, off-hand ranged weapons will start dropping
[*] These weapons have very high local damage and attack speed. This is because off-hand weapons are not affected by your main damage, only by ranged damage and weapon type damage.
[*] Off-hand ranged weapons cannot be worn on the main hand and vice-versa
[b]Other Changes[/b]
[*] [b]The Void[/b] - Reworked how the void works. You now get 1 extra damage per enemy killed, but have a 5% chance of increasing the damage you take by 1.
[*] New particle effects have been added for The Void. The higher the amount of extra damage you deal and take, the more intense the effect gets.
[*] [b]Brawler[/b] - Added visual effects for Anger Management and Ravager.
Besides the above changes, some polish and small tweaks and bug fixes have been made here and there. Thanks again to everyone who has played Knight Crawlers, for your continued support, feedback, and suggestions.
As most of the major bugs have been addressed, I am excited to start updating Knight Crawlers with new quality of life changes such as key binding, extra save slots, and more content such as the co-op campaign and new realms!
Thank you!