Update Based on User Feedback


Relaxing, minimalistic 2d-puzzle game.

Hey I just want to let you all know that there has been an update with the following: [list] [*][b]Unclearable Level Fixed[/b] - Level 11 in group 12 has been fixed. [*][b]Block Effects[/b] - There is now an option to disable the effects when a block is cleared. [*][b]Screen Resolution / Window Mode[/b] - If you hold down the "Alt"-key when launching the game, there is a menu for changing these things. [/list] I'm am planning to make the following: [list] [*][b]Infinity Mode[/b] - Random generated levels with a raising difficulty curve. These mode will also have its own achievements. Planed to come at the end of March 2017. [/list] Thank you all for your feedback and further user feedback would be greatly appreciated Regards Kim Dahl