Update #20 - Hotfix update

Army of Ruin

Wreak havoc on countless foes with mighty weapons and deadly spells! Enhance your skills and face even greater dangers! Army of Ruin is an auto-shooter where you become the Bullet Hell.

This hotfix addresses a few issues detected in the last update: [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Added back the ability to move slower than maximum speed on controller. [i]To avoid issues, we've made it so the minimum speed is 50% of the maximum, instead of 0%.[/i]. Added this to mouse movement as well if you're inside the circle. Reduced a bit controller dead zone. [/list] [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed Experiment XIX skill not working exactly as intended. [*]Fixed Steam Presence not updating properly (always showing "At the Menus") [/list]