Early Access Update #18 - Trinket changes and QOL improvements

Army of Ruin

Wreak havoc on countless foes with mighty weapons and deadly spells! Enhance your skills and face even greater dangers! Army of Ruin is an auto-shooter where you become the Bullet Hell.

Hi! Today we're releasing a small update with a few important changes and bugfixes, and some improvements to a few unpopular or underperforming trinkets. [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Added a "Immune only" setting to damage numbers so you can hide standard numbers, but still see the "Immune" warning. [/list] [b]Gameplay changes:[/b] [list] [*]Onyx Coin now stops giving percentual improvements beyond level 30, and switches to a fixed XP amount.[i]This prevents the trinket being incredibly powerful in Endless stages, as well as introducing a freeze bug when reaching incredibly high XP levels (around level 450+).[/i] [*]Player level is now capped at 200.[i]Shouldn't be reachable in almost any case, but just to avoid potential problems.[/i] [*]Capped amount of power ups spawned.[i]In Endless stages, powerups could pile up and clutter the screen with arrows. Now if there's a specific amount of them in the vicinity, new power ups won't be spawned, the ones further away will be relocated to a closer distance instead.[/i] [*]Done some changes to underperforming/unpopular trinkets: [list] [*]Medicinal Herbs: Added +Projectiles effect. [*]Ice Tear: Removed chance, improved effect. [*]Soul Container: Added +Damage effect when resurrecting. [*]Silver Bullets: Increased +Knockback effect. [*]Viking Helm: Added +Fire Rate effect. [*]Book of Omens: Reduced stat penalties when leveling the trinket up. [*]War Drums: Slightly increased damage dealt. [*]Ice Mirror: Made the effect more frequent, but with a shorter duration. [*]Marine Necklace: Made the effect more frequent. [*]Crimson Flask: Made the effect more frequent, radius increases a bit further when leveling up. [*]Magic Needle: Made the effect a bit stronger and the penalty a bit weaker. [*]Elixir of Health: Now it also slightly increases Speed. [*]Exotic Spice: Improved effect. [*]Hourglass: Added +Luck effect. [*]Frozen Cross: Slightly improved effect. [*]Rabbit Foot: Improved effect. [*]Coin Purse: Improved effect. [*]Seal of Purity: Slightly improved effect. [*]Shackles: Slightly improved effect. [*]Buckler: Removed charges, reduced cooldown, now petrifies the enemy that hit you. [*]Travel Boots: Improved effect. [/list] [*]Doubled chances of a weapon/trinket showing up as a choice when leveling up if it's required on an available Stage challenge.[i]This should help completing specific challenges when lots of equipment have been already unlocked. Once the item is equipped, further upgrades follow the usual logic.[/i] [*]Player enhancements will not show up if the stat is currently capped. [i]This could easily happen with the Skill Cooldown stat.[/i] [*]UI Scale / Display Area are now saved outside Steam Cloud.[i]This was already done for Video settings, but these two settings were not. Depending on the case, these settings may be user or machine related, but we believe it's less confusing and easier to change this way.[/i] [/list] [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed Freeze when leveling up beyond level 450. [i]See Onyx Coin for more details on what caused it.[/i] [*]Fixed scroll not working properly with the controller when checking stats for previous games. [/list]