Early Access Update #15 - Balancing update

Army of Ruin

Wreak havoc on countless foes with mighty weapons and deadly spells! Enhance your skills and face even greater dangers! Army of Ruin is an auto-shooter where you become the Bullet Hell.

Hi! Today we're delivering a small hotfix addressing a few issues introduced in yesterday's update, as well as a number of balancing changes. The goal behind these balancing changes is mostly to keep a similar power level between different characters, trinkets and weapons so they all remain interesting choices. We feel the overall difficulty of the game is fine (the overall mission completion rate is around 70-75%). Some equipment or characters (such as, let's say, Selina :) ) were just too powerful and will be toned down a notch. We're also improving some of the items that had a bad winrate (for example the Elixir of Life didn't contribute to wins as much as we'd want to), and also improving or shifting power a little to the ones that were decent, but unpopular (for example Medicinal Herbs). In any case, they're not huge changes and just small adjustments. [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]Enhancements should no longer repeat on the same level up. [/list] [b]Gameplay changes:[/b] [list] [*]Worms in the ice lake are now treated as standard enemies: You can walk through them (and get hurt), and you can apply status effects to them. [*]Balancing changes: [list] [*]Characters: [list] [*]Selina: Decreased thorns damage, increased range and length of the Curse effect, increased skill cooldown. [*]Mork: Decreased health and damage boost. [*]Tabia: Decreased decoy length and increased cooldown, decreased Experience bonus. [*]Saul: Slightly increased skill damage. [*]Tisha: Decreased health. [/list] [*]Weapons: [list] [*]Freezing Punch: Increased cooldown. [*]Swift Tornado: Decreased Curse chance. [*]Ancestral Razor: Decreased damage [*]Magic Staff: Increased damage [*]Volcanic Orbs: Increased damage [*]Promethean Flames: Decreased damage of one of the level up upgrades. [*]Serrated Spears: Decreased damage [*]Magical Slingshot: Decreased damage [*]Storm Javelin: Increased damage [/list] [*]Trinkets: [list] [*]Spyglass: Increased speed penalty [*]Marine Necklace: Decreased power [*]Obsidian Crown: Increased fire rate penalty, but also increased damage boost. [*]Elixir of Health: Increased power [*]Fire Mirror: Increased power [*]Soul Container: Removed Health penalty. [/list] [/list] [/list]