Early Access Update #25 - QoL Improvements

Army of Ruin

Wreak havoc on countless foes with mighty weapons and deadly spells! Enhance your skills and face even greater dangers! Army of Ruin is an auto-shooter where you become the Bullet Hell.

Hi! Today we're releasing a new update adding a bunch of quality of life improvements to make it easier to do some things such as managing favorites or doing a respec. [b]Improvements:[/b] [list] [*]You can now keep upgrading / downgrading skills in the Upgrades section by keeping the button pressed. [*]You can now favorite evolved weapons (the base weapon will be the one actually favorited). [*]In the challenges section, if you click on a challenge requiring a specific mission, it will take you to that mission. [i]Note that it won't check if you can actually meet the conditions listed.[/i] [*]Reduced CPU load of the explosive crabs death effect in the Glacier. [*]Made it so projectiles become partially transparent when they reach huge sizes. [/list] [b]Bugfixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed Burning Baton not showing the proper model. [/list]