Update 2.1.29

World of Warplanes

World of Warplanes is an aerial combat MMO action game set in the Golden Age of military aviation. Throwing players into a never-ending battle for dominance of the skies.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33592511/25bcee0bf794ad45c9afa5d21d5de6cdcd517716.jpg[/img] Pilots! [quote]On September 11, from 08:00 to 12:00 UTC, the servers will undergo maintenance to deploy Update 2.1.29.[/quote] [h2]New Aircraft[/h2] [img]https://worldofwarplanes.eu/dcont/fb/imagesforarticles/releasewipe/prize_premium_plane_684x112.jpg[/img] Update 2.1.29 introduces a [b]brand-new reward aircraft[/b]–the Italian Tier VII heavy fighter Savoia-Marchetti SM.91. Designed in 1942 for the Regia Aeronautica Italiana, this heavy fighter was one of the most advanced at the time. It featured an all-metal fuselage and wings that provided maximum rigidity for better performance. The aircraft was powered by two ubiquitous Daimler-Benz DB 605 engines (produced by Fiat under license). The main strength of its design was the armament: the SM.91 boasted five 20 mm MG 151/20 autocannons, three mounted in the nose cowling and two more—near the wing roots. The aircraft's defensive capability was provided by a small turret with another MG 151. Two prototypes were produced and undergoing testing until they were passed into German possession in 1943 and eventually lost. In World of Warplanes, Savoia-Marchetti SM.91 is a Tier VII Italian heavy fighter (belonging to the European meta-nation). The SM.91 is not the fastest or most maneuverable of its peers, but it has great altitude characteristics. The autocannon battery combines a good rate of fire and solid damage, is relatively easy to aim, and provides a convenient firing pattern between accurate nose-mounted cannons and the wider firing line of the wing-mounted ones. Overall, this makes it an excellent warplane for boom-and-zoom tactics and strafing runs. The SM.91 also carries a small bomb load that can be employed for pinpoint strikes on AA positions or smaller ground targets. To earn this aircraft, you'll need to participate in an upcoming game event. [h2]New Unique Pilot[/h2] [img]https://worldofwarplanes.eu/dcont/fb/image/fw190d_112.png[/img] Meet Emma Vogel, a new unique German pilot for the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D! More details about her skills will be revealed later. [h2]New Paint Schemes[/h2] [img]https://worldofwarplanes.eu/dcont/fb/image/camo_684x112.png[/img] New paint schemes were added for the following aircraft: [list] [*] Lavochkin La-15 [*] Myasishchev RB-17 [*] Saab J 21RB [*] Shenyang JL-1A-37 [*] Tupolev Tu-10 [/list] They have the following characteristics: [list] [*] Concealment: +20% [*] Resistance to damage from AA guns: +10% [*] Resistance to damage from gunners: +5% [*] Aircraft XP: +8% [/list] [h2]New Achievements [/h2] [img]https://worldofwarplanes.eu/dcont/fb/imagesforarticles/release11/achievs-112.jpg[/img] [list] [*] New achievements have been added. They can be earned during the upcoming events. [*] From this point forward, every player who completes our long-term game events will receive the Marathon Runner achievement. This is a series achievement—every subsequent completion of a new event will be added to the counter on achievement's icon in the player profile. It is not retroactive and will not cover any previously completed events. [/list] [h2]New Emblems[/h2] [img]https://worldofwarplanes.eu/dcont/fb/image/usa_112.png[/img] New emblems were added to mark the anniversary of the U.S. Air Force, the first breaking of the sound barrier, and the upcoming major game event. You will have an opportunity to earn them in the future game events. [h2]Bug Fixes and Other Changes [/h2] [img]https://worldofwarplanes.eu/dcont/fb/image/remont_109_3.png[/img] [list] [*] The window for supply crate contents will now show what materials you'll find when opening supply crates. [*] On the McDonnell XP-67 Moonbat, we corrected the marks reflecting the number of destroyed enemy aircraft and ground targets. [*] We fixed UI issues that caused the Specialist tab to behave erratically. [*] We fixed the tooltip that appears when hovering over the crew member icon in the right-side panel of the Hangar. [*] Some other interface fixes and improvements were made too. [/list]