Small QOL Update


Elementyle is a chess-like, turn-based strategy game where players claim tiles with unique pieces and element sets.

As the New Year is starting, a few quality of life changes are getting pushed into the production environment as work on the [i]Set Completion Update[/i] continues. [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Updated the mana crystal assets with a much better version (thanks to bwakattac_). [*]Fixed a bug with the Linux build where the piece data was not being exported with the build. [*]Reduced computer opponent move list evaluation cap from 10,000 to 5,000. [list] [*]This change is to speed up the play time of the computer opponent for the time being. During the [i]Set Completion Update[/i] a much more thorough rework will hopefully bring average turn time for the opponent to ~5 seconds. [/list] [/list] This year will also begin a major face-lift for [i]Elementyle[/i] as gameplay updates are wrapped up in a large update, followed by Player Progression and Community features. Along the way, various parts of the UI and graphics will be enhanced or replaced. There are big changes coming but for now, the core development focus is on game stability and resilience.