Tales of Ancients is an atmospheric exploration game that tells the story of a man struggling to survive in a deserted town while tracing an ancient cult. In this world filled with heavy rain and mysterious rituals, you will uncover dark secrets.
๐ [b]Tales of Ancients Joins Steam Next Fest![/b] ๐
We invite you to experience the demo of our psychological horror game and explore a mysterious town filled with ancient secrets!
๐ [b]Demo Duration:[/b]
The demo will be available for a limited time during Steam Next Fest. Play the first 2 hours of the story, witness Alex's mysterious encounters, and begin unraveling the traces of the Nox Aeterna cult.
๐ก [b]Whatโs in the Demo?[/b]
โข Discover the eerie atmosphere of the town and a unique exploration experience.
โข Solve puzzles, face dangers, and uncover the dark secrets of the cult.
โข Enter the first sections of the mysterious underground tunnels.
โข Experience psychological tension and confront supernatural entities.
๐ฎ [b]Join Us:[/b]
Download the demo, play, and share your thoughts with the Steam community! Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve the game.
๐ Ready to dive into the mesmerizing and dark world of Tales of Ancients?
Find us at Steam Next Fest and join the thrill!
๐ Date: 02/24/2025
๐ Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836090/Tales_of_Ancients/