Update 111 Patch 1 is Live on All Branches

Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades

Do you like hot dogs? How about horseshoes? Hand grenades? (everyone likes hand grenades) Anyway, we've got all that, and guns. SO MANY GUNS. So if you like ordnance, meat, and far too many groan-worthy puns, this is the VR sandbox game for you.

[previewyoutube=AL6VBe6eMQs;full][/previewyoutube] Greetings! Have a quick update for y'all this week. Mostly fixes and tweaks for the Institution level, but also a long awaited replacement toy. Check out the devlog for more info. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend! Cheers, Anton [h2]Changelog: Update 111 - Patch 1[/h2] [h3]Added:[/h3][list] [*] Added New Firearm H416 (Yes, FINALLY replaced this with a High Quality, Dimensionally accurate one) [*] Added All Update 111 objects to Recent objects Manifest for Item Spawner [*] Added Encryption Variants for Complex Multi-hit Types for Limited Ammo Mode [/list] [h3]Changed:[/h3][list] [*] Improved Sentinel Construct ability to detect player body intersections [*] Ammo Panel Spawn Round Button can now be held down to repeat cartridge spawn [*] Iris Construct now has ‘targeting laser’ that [*] Made Iris Construct Center chunk less durable [*] Sentinel Construct now drops health when destroyed [*] Sentinel Construct will now ‘chase’ the player within a limited bounds when it detects them [*] Adjusted Polymorphic Encryption Ballistic Params to prevent overPen [*] Adjusted Polymorphic & Recursive Encryption Materials to aid visual legibility [*] Adjusted Orthogonal Encryption Materials to aid visual legibility [*] Rebaked Occlusion Culling [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3][list] [*] Fixed Sosig Ladder Distances [*] Added System to try to reconnect Sosig with its correct position in a bunch of cases that they can get separated [*] Fixed player indicator orientation on map kiosks that are not Identity aligned [*] Fixed missing collision in Hydro [*] Fixed Lower Area in Hydro being a dead end by adding an extra pair of powered ziplines [*] Ammo Panel now recognizes round types from integrated attachment weapons, like the Mp7 Lambda [*] Ammo Panel now properly recognizes last selected round class for a type [*] Ammo Panel now properly handles edge case of weapon that isn’t part of a T&H character’s ‘valid’ era set actually being able to at least spawn default ammo, instead of doing weird things like showing a random ammo class each time you place the item on it (wow that was a weird one to untangle) [*] Attachable Firearms can now properly be recycled [*] Fixed ammo class name display [*] Fixed a number of Occlusion Culling Issues [*] Fixed embarrassing grammatical typo [*] Added missing sound effect for a special friend [*] Made Iris Construct Properly disable its AI Entity [*] Lion 2-5x scope save/load fixed [*] Fixed issue where Boxes could sometimes spawn in Supply Points in weird orientations, topple over as a pile, and break [/list]