UPDATE 1.21 - ElectroBlob gets even deadlier! Plus Numerous Fixes!

Laser Ball

In this fast and furious action retro game, you'll need to race against time and use a laser gun with precise shots to neutralize and collect electrified bouncing balls and deposit them safely out of harms way.

In this patch, I've made the Electro-Blob even more challenging to face as he now shoots as you as before in update 1.20, but now he will continue bouncing around the screen for several seconds at the same velocity! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32345131/27945362a699b699f8c738da563e40a040221b5c.png[/img] I've also added new sounds as well as adjusted all of the game sounds to give it all a good balance. Multiple things to note with this update: 1) To get the 1,000 points for dodging the Electro Blob's charge attack, you need to be out of the safe zone on the left side of the screen when the Electro-Blob turns back to his normal white color and you need to have been out of the safe zone for more than half of his charge attack time. 2) You can now repair the generator at any time it has regressed, not only when it is in need of repair with more than 50% damage done. 3) Be careful with the laser gun as if you shoot your generator, it will be instantly destroyed and at zero repair status! 4) The acid that fills your safety zone will now be drained if the Electro-Blob touches a ball you've neutralized and turns it back to its original charged color. This change was made to allow you to control the gun from the safe zone in this scenario. Also, while the balls may occasionally get stuck bouncing on the border of the room, this should be very rare now. I am continuing to adjust and tweak recent code changes to fix this problem until hopefully it never happens at all. Note that if a ball does ever somehow leave the screen due to an add bounce or situation where you die while carrying it, it will be immediately placed back into the middle of the room. I have added a grey cable that runs across the top of the room floor from the generator to the control panel to help visually show how they are connected. That's about it. There's a lot of little changes I made in this update, but I think I've covered most of them here.