Price Increase from $2.99 USD to $4.99 Effective Immediately

Laser Ball

In this fast and furious action retro game, you'll need to race against time and use a laser gun with precise shots to neutralize and collect electrified bouncing balls and deposit them safely out of harms way.

Hello everyone... Laser Ball continues to be my best selling indie game here on Steam and has seen many good changes since I first brought it to Steam back in March of 2018. When I first announced the generator repairs as "coming soon" and gave Laser Ball a massive overhaul back in March of this year with update 1.20, I did announce back then that this game would see a price increase from $1.99 to $4.99 USD. When I put out the generator repair update, I decided to do a slower, more gradual price increase and went up to $2.99 then and now this game will go up to the $4.99 USD price I announced was coming almost six months ago. I believe that Laser Ball is a super fun, relentless action game that is VERY unique on Steam today. There is no other game quite like it and I firmly believe that this new higher price still delivers a very high value with the crazy high replay value that Laser Ball offers. Happy gaming everyone! ZG (developer)