Update 1.20 Coming with Generator Repairs & Overhauled Look! ..READ!

Laser Ball

In this fast and furious action retro game, you'll need to race against time and use a laser gun with precise shots to neutralize and collect electrified bouncing balls and deposit them safely out of harms way.

Look at this new screen showing your player repairing the damaged generator in the upper right corner in order to power the laser gun! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32345131/e83cd699acc34b6f36d83ae622c26656e8635b92.png[/img] New Improved Look with completely re-drawn sprites and more! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32345131/87de50c31b3c3a0554a4f81bd9eb018eed1399e9.png[/img] Other planned changes to Laser Ball will be a changing "Electro-Blob" to be even more deadly than it currently is with a new ability to focus on your position, form a small tight ball and charge at you at crazy speeds to try and zap you! This is an element I think will be fun. Dangerous, but fun! ..With these changes, the game is likely to be much more difficult and balance changes might need to be added giving the player more ability to somehow reflect balls and the Electro-Blob. We'll see as development of these changes is implemented. This.. and more will all be coming with Update 1.20 to Laser Ball! With that, please be aware the the price of Laser Ball will go up from the current $1.99 USD to $4.99 USD. Laser Ball has been my best selling indie game on Steam since it launched a year ago and this update should be a great "One Year Anniversary" celebration. More action. More Intrigue. More challenge. Laser Ball 1.20 is coming...