UPDATE 1.20 - Generators To Repair! A Blinking Nur.. Errr A Blinking Electro Blob.. Oh My!!

Laser Ball

In this fast and furious action retro game, you'll need to race against time and use a laser gun with precise shots to neutralize and collect electrified bouncing balls and deposit them safely out of harms way.

It's here people! I promised back in March that a HUGE new update was coming to Laser Ball! And NOW It's live! You'll start each level with a broken generator in the upper right corner of the factory floor. To use the control panel which controls your laser gun, the generator must be repaired.. and kept repaired if it gets broken! You'll find a wrench on the floor that will allow you to repair the gen! Also live in this update is a very angry Electro-Blob! No longer does he just mosey around doing his own thing and accidentally shock you if you stumble into him! That's right brave factory worker.. This energy filled enemy will now focus all of its power and form into a little red ball and then shoot out directly at your position trying to kill you! Oh my! You can, as always, choose to play the "No Electro-Blob Mode" but be warned that this mode has double the damage done from all balls that smack your generator... and well, this mode just isn't as much fun now! Hehe. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and I hope you like this new update! The price increase to $4.99 USD as I stated back in March will be made in two increases, the first just a dollar more to $2.99 now that generator repairs are in, and the increase to $4.99 will be delayed until mid-summer. This should give people more time to grab the "new & improved" Laser Ball with generator repairs before it doubles in price. In future games, I realize that I need to stop feeling the pressure to under price my games and then later increase the price to better fit the value I feel my games are worth. ..I hope you enjoy the new changes to Laser Ball! =)