UPDATE 1.18 - Separate Save Files For Each Steam User On The Same PC!

The Best BJ

The Best BJ is a full featured Blackjack 21 simulator that pits you against a virtual casino Blackjack dealer! ..How good are you at "BJ" and are you ready to show off your impressive BJ skills? Whether you are a pro or looking to get better, "The Best BJ" is for you!

Hello everyone! This is the first game I've developed that saves your progress and I just discovered that it would use the same saved data no matter what Steam account you might be using on the same computer! UGH! ..That HAD to be fixed! So this update resolves that and now multiple Steam accounts can all have their own saved data on the same computer! - But what about my old saved data? Has it been reset with this update? ...I hear you with that question! ...Never fear! This update will first create your new save file based on your Steam ID and then make sure it loads any old save data on your PC. If multiple people have saved their Best BJ game before this update, the game will load the old save data into every different Steam account that logs in after this update. Should that not be what you'd like (such as if the save file has a low balance and/or karma you don't want for example) you can simply follow these steps to delete the old save file before launching your game which will result in a brand new start for you with $100 and 99 karma. Keep in mind BEFORE you go through this process, that you can do the exact same reset easier by simply resetting your data once your game is loaded by hitting the CONTROL and the F8 key once inside the game. The process below will also delete all of your game stats however, which is not reset by using the Control-F8 reset within the game. ----------------------------------- PROCESS TO DELETE OLD SAVE DATA FOR THE BEST BJ (IF YOU DON'T WANT IT LOADED AS OF THIS UPDATE) 1) At the bottom left of your Windows desktop, click in the "Type here to search" bar, type in %appdata% and hit ENTER 2) This will likely bring up a ROAMING window under your AppData folder. We don't want the "Roaming" folder, so in the bar at the top, click on the word "AppData" as in you'll likely see something like this: MyPC > Windows(C:) > Users > YourPCName > AppData > Roaming *Click on the word AppData there* 3) Double Left Click on the LOCAL folder to open it 4) Scroll down to find "The_Best_BJ" folder and double left click it to open it 5) RIGHT Click on the "saved" file which should be 1 KB in size and click on DELETE from the list ----------------------------------- That's all there is for this update! I hope you are enjoying my Blackjack game here on Steam! <3 Sincerely, ZaxtorGameS (Solo Indie game developer)