Hello, Runners, we have been silent for too long, but rest assured we were hard at work to bring you another set of small tweaks, changes, ahh hahaha just kidding!
We're bringing you the super, ultra cool [b]MEGA UPDATE[/b]! That's right. This time we mean business!
Members of our community wanted more variety from the start of the game and more evolving gameplay. On that end, we are introducing a new Primary weapon locker system.
Weapon lockers spawn at the start of new environments and enable you to switch up your primary weapons to something that better suits you. To keep it fresh we randomized what weapons you can get in each locker to make each run a bit different!
We also wanted to give you some more choices in build varieties so we are introducing 4 new perks that put more emphasis on shooting. We love the melee mechanic in our game but we felt that there weren't enough perk options for guns.
One of the biggest features of this updates is the update of our characters visuals and animations. We felt that the looks of our characters didn't do justice to the legends they are. They were our heroes as we were growing up, so we wanted to show them some much-deserved love, with our own personal touch.
We have a lot of other features ready for you which you can check out below:
[h1] New Features [/h1]
- More than 30 new primary weapons!
- Added weapon locker, players can now change their primary weapons
- All primary weapons got more powerful versions (mk2 and mk3)
- New Perk: Stormchaser - enables shooting while spinning
- New Perk: Bomberman - increases the radius of explosions
- New Perk: Skewer - primary weapon bullet pierce
- Added new character models for Serious Sam, Dancing Denzell, Fast Finger Freddie, Lo Wang, Chux, Rambro, Richard, Zombie Zed
- At the start of each environment, the game will slow down and give you the chance to switch your primary weapons with the weapons in the weapon lockers
- Added the option to browse daily by date
[h1] Tweaks and adjustments [/h1]
- Deeper Pockets perk now grants 50% more ammo (up from 20%)
- Mouthful Of Lead now grants 50% more ammo (up from 20%)
- Improved the tutorials so that they don't stop the game and give them a more organic feel
- Lady Death's ultimate ability now destroys mojo barrels and enemy projectiles
- Bloater health was reduced and their explosions now to damage to other enemies
- Blasphemy (The Bullets weapon) damage increased
- New ultimate ready sound added
- Fixed an issue where the mojo bucket would stop a vehicle
- Mine explosion sfx updated
- Velcro weapon projectile explosion speed increased
- Updated the user experience of the traps in the environment, now it's a lot easier to spot traps in the environments
- Players now start with full ammo on all weapons
- Added a new mojo bar
- New ultimate bars
- Added a new effect for the boss health bars to make it more clear when the bosses take damage
- Updated the visuals for the loading screens
That's all for this update we hope you enjoy it! Come and join us on our discord: https://discord.gg/ihrb and tell us what you think! Until next time! Keep on running backwards!